Sunday 5 November 2017


დავალების ტიპი : ტესტი
კლასი -8-

You are going to listen to eight texts.For each of them answer the questions given.Mark the correct answer : A ,B , or C.
1. What was the weather like when the holiday began?
 A. Rainy     B. Sunny    C. Cloudy
2.What did Peter buy today?         A.T-shirt     B. Hat     C. Jeans
3.How far is it to the beach?         A. 5km    B. 7 km    C. 10 km
4.What will Tim and his dad play today? A. Tennis  B. Football   C. Golf
5.What does the woman want?  A. Coffee   B. To play  C. Menu
6. What doesn’t the girl like about her photo? A. Eyes  B. Nose  C. Dress
7. Which is the boy’s next lesson?   A. Geography B. Music  C. Maths
8. What will the woman do first ?
A. Paint the walls    B.Clean the windows    C. Clean the floor
9.What do they need to buy for dinner ? A. Tomatoes  B. Fish  C. Cheese
10.What did Joe get for his birthday ? A. CD player  B. Bike  C. CD

TASK 2 :
Read the text.Then read the statements below and decide whether they are True ( T ) or false ( F ).
My trip to Canada by Tessa Watts
 I had a great time on my adventure trip to Canada. I went with two teachers and all my classmates. I missed my family at first but by the end of the holiday , I didn’t want to go home.
On my favorite day, we went on a really long walk in the mountains. We had to carry all our things in bags on our backs which was hard work but we never go bored because we all chatted the whole time. We had a rock climbing lesson just before our picnic lunch and later that afternoon we arrived at a lake where we camped for the night. Three of my classmates tried to fish, without success . I helped build the fire. The teachers and two of the older students made supper , then we sat  in our blankets around the fire and sang songs and made wishes in the dark.
 We decided not to sleep inside the tents, but outdoors because we wanted to look at the stars. Some of the boys made “ bear “ noises trying to make us afraid , but we were still laughing at midnight because we were having so much fun . I’ ll never forget that day.
1.Tessa travelled to Canada on her trip----------------------------------T---F
2.Tessa felt happy on the first day because she was with her family—T---F
3.Tessa didn’t talk a lot with other people on the walk---------------T__F
4. After the picnic lunch , the group had a lesson in rock climbing____T__F
5. The students caught three fish in the lake______________________T__F
6.The older students helped the teachers make supper._____________T__F
7. The students didn’t sing songs because they left the guitar at home.__T__F
8.The group slept outside so they could look up at the sky._________T___F
9. Boys made frightening noises.______________________________T___F
10.The day was unforgettable_________________________________T__F

Task -1 ;Read the text and the questions  below . For each question mark the correct  answer : A , B  or C .
Dear Annie,
I can’t wait to tell you the news! Mum and I arrived in Bulgaria yesterday afternoon. Our plane was a little late because it was snowing and the weather was awful. A bus was waiting at the airport and it took us to the hotel in the mountains. This is a beautiful small hotel. Our room is large and very warm. When I look out of the window, I can see the great white mountains all around us.
This morning we   went  skiing . It  was   fantastic ! Some people went higher up the mountains but I didn’t because I am not very good at skiing . You can ski all day but I got very tired and came back to the hotel about 3:00.
The food at the hotel is  wonderful . Last night we had some traditional Bulgarian  dishes . I really liked the banitsa . I met some nice people yesterday. They are a little older than me. Some of them are very good skiers. Tomorrow we are going to the nearby  town.  First , we are going shopping. Then we are going to eat at a special Bulgarian restaurant and finally , we are going to a concert. Two famous Bulgarian drummers are going to perform . I am having a wonderful time here. Bye for now
1.      The plane was late because…..                  a.  The bus was late             b.  the weather was bad                  c. it was too slow
2.     Nelly got to the hotel…….                            a. by car                                  b. by bus                                                c.   by train
3.     Nelly  didn’t go higher up in the mountain to ski because                                                                                                                                                                                                     a.she isn’t a very good skier                                                b. she doesn’t like skiing                           c.   she was very cold
4.     The girl … the food at the hotel last night.      a. didn’t really like             b. didn’t try                               c. liked very much
5.     Nelly is …                        a. older than her new friends     b. as old as her new friends         c. younger than her new friends
6.     Nelly is going to the nearby town….                   a. alone        b. with her new friends          c. with her mum
7.     In the nearby town , Nelly is going first to the……                        a. shops              b. concert hall               c. restaurant
8.     Nelly thinks that her holiday is ….                                                  a. awful              b. boring                        c. great

Task 2 ; Read the text and fill the gaps with one of the following : an article , a preposition , a conjunction or a relative pronoun . Note that in each space you should insert only ONE word.
Lionel  Messi  is -------------( 1 )Argentinian  footballer. Many people think that he is one of the best players in -------------( 2 ) world . He was born on  June 24 , 1987 in Argentina . He has two brothers ---------------( 3 ) a sister . When Messi was five he started playing football . When he was only 11 doctors found ---------( 4 ) he was ill . --------( 5 ) his parents didn’t have enough money to pay for medicine.
The family decided o go to Europe . -------- ( 6  ) Europe directors of the famous football club Barcelona saw his talent . They gave him enough money ------------( 7 )medicine and Messi startedplaying for the team . He scored more than a hundred goals for FC Barselona , and helped the team win ---------------( 8 )   championship four times , and the European Champions League twice . He helped his national team win the gold medal ---------------( 9 )  the 2008 Olimpics in Beijing . Lionel Messi is the first footballer ---------------- (  10  )won the Golden Ball four times.  

Task 1. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense
  1. Where is your luggage?- I -------------------( leave ) it at the station. I -------------- ( take ) it tomorrow.
  2. I -----------( read ) about an hour when he ---------------(come).
  3. Yesterday I--------------- (buy ) a new pair of gloves , as I ---------------------( lose ) the old ones.
  4. Our train starts late in the evening, so if you -------------(come) at 7 o’clock, we still ------------------(pack ) our luggage.
  5. ---------- when morning came, the storm already ---------------- ( stop ),but the snow still ---------------( fall ).
      Task 2. Put a, an or some.
1.     Is ----------------Indian Ocean larger than------------Mediterranean Sea ?
2.     For supper my sister and  I ate -----------apple and ---------- raw vegetables.
3.     Is ------------------elephant bigger than ----------------------alligator?
4.     Give me --------------------water, please. I am thirsty. I have got ------------ bananas for you.
5.     He was reading---------------book when I came into-------------------room.
                                                                                                                                                               ------------------/ 5
     Task 3. Underline the correct word.
1.     The company hopes to do/make a big profit.
2.     Please don’t do/make a mess.
3.     We really must make/do a decision soon.
4.     I really hate making/doing the washing up.
5.     Do you have to do/make supper tonight.
       Task 4. Choose A.B.C or D.
1.     She’s changed a lot --------- she left school.
A.    during   b. since   c. for    d. after
2.     I’ve been waiting in the rain -------------- hours!
A.    during   b. since   c.  for   d. from
3.      John ------- in San Diego for the past three years.
A.    lived   b. has lived   c. was living   d. is  living.
4.     ---------------reading the paper yet?
A.    Have you finished   b. were you  finishing  c. Did you finish   d. Did you finished.
5.      I was at the club yesterday, but I---- you.
A.    Haven’t seen     b.  didn’t  see    c.  didn’t  saw   d. hadn’t  seen.
         Task 5. Write the sentences in the Reported Speech.
1.     “What time does the film start?” – asked David.
2.     “What do you want to do after the film?” – asked  Simon
3.     “Are you leaving tomorrow?-asked Nino
4.     “What kind of book have you bought?”-asked Jim.
5.     “I have finished all my work” – Tom said.
        Task 6. Put too or enough.(1 point for two correct answers).
1. This town isn’t big-------------- – for the two of us.
2. The film was-------------- rubbish. After 20 minutes I had slept.
3. The disco is -------- far to walk. So I can’t go alone
4. You aren’t old ------------ to drive a car.
5. The coffee is ------------- strong  for me. I can’t drink it

                                                                                                                                                                              -------------/ 5
Task-1  You are going to listen to eight texts. For each of them answer the question given. Mark the correct answer : A, B , or C.
1.Who is the speaker ?  A. a police officer  B. a youth club leader  C. an angry neighbor
2. Who are the speakers ?   A. head teacher and student    B. parent and child  C. journalist and young person
3. What are the speakers discussing?   A.  youth unemployment   B.  hobbies and interests   C. local facilities
4. Where is the speaker ?   A. in a factory    B. in a supermarket         C.  at a farm
5.Where is the speaker ?   A. in a shopping centre   B. at a careers convention    C. in the workplace
6. How does the man feel about the woman’s decision ?   A. he’s doubtful about it   B. He admires it   C. He’s anxious about it.
7. Who is the speaker ?                            A.  a TV presenter                B.   an economist                  C. a charity worker
8. How is the girl feeling ?                           A.  angry                B. unwell              C. bored
Task-2  put the verbs in the correct tense
1.       We-----------------------( eat ) dinner when our unexpected guests-------------------( arrive ).
2.       Since they-----------------------( not tell ) us they were coming, we------------- (not have ) any food for them.
3.       By the time the plane finally ------------------ (land ) everyone----------( wait ) for four hours
4.       Unless you ------------- (decide ) where you are going soon, you --------------- ( not be able ) to get a ticket
5.       I am not going to start looking for a job until I -------------- ( finish ) my studies.
6.       Right now an important meeting-------------------- (hold )
7.       He-------------------------- ( write ) many best sellers since he --------------------- ( publish )his first book in 1990
8.       She -------------------- ( become ) a vegan three years ago and she ----------------- (not eat ) meat since then
9.       I hope you ------------------- (find ) what you are looking for by the time I-------------- ( return )
10.   He -------------------------- ( work ) on his car  all morning, I wonder if he ------------------- (finish ) by this evening
11.   I ( work )--------------------------on this assignment for two weeks and I hope I (finish )---------------------------------it soon.
Task-3 Read the text and put one word in each gap
More and more people live in large cities these days and this means it is becoming more and 1)--------------difficult to find time and space for ourselves. But for many people, personal privacy is very important. In many homes, a few minutes in 2)---------- bathroom is all the privacy that is available.
Teenagers especially need their own personal space 3)-------------- home where they can feel relaxed and private. But, of course, not all teenagers are  4)-----------enough to have a room of theit own. Where space is short,they often have to 5)----------a bedroom with a brother or sister. In that case, it’s a good 6)------------for them to have a special area or corner of the room to call their own. It’s especially important 7)-----------young people to have somewhere to keep their personal things. This may or may 8)---------------- be a tidy place and it is not a good idea for parents to try and tell teenagers how 9)------------ organize their space as this is likely to lead to arguments. Parents can, however,10 )------------------sure that there are enough storage spaces such as shelves, cupboards and boxes. This will allow the teenager to keep their space tidy if they want to.

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