სასკოლო წრე

სასკოლო წრე " ჩვენ გვიყვარს კითხვა "

მოგესალმებით ჩემო ძვირფასო მოსწავლეებო. მინდა გაუწყოთ რომ ჩვენი სასკოლო წრე " ჩვენ გვიყვარს კითხვა " განაგრძობს ფუნქციონირებას ისევ 1 წლით,მუშაობას ვაგრძელებთ ჩვეული განრიგით. წრის დებულება უცვლელია.ახალმა წევრებმა გთხოვთ მოგვმართოთ განცხადებით.
გაეცანით წრის დებულებასა და პროგრამას.პატივისცემით წრის კურატორი: ეკატერინე ჩაჩიბაია

ახალი 2018-2019 წლის  სასკოლო წრის მასალა მოცემულია სასკოლო წრე-2 გვერდზე.

სასკოლო წრე

ზესტაფონი, სკოლა ანაბასისი
სასკოლო წრე:  „we love reading“
წრის შექმნის თარიღი: 2017 წლის 26 სექტემბერი
წრის ლოგო:

წრის კურატორი:  ინგლისური ენის მასწავლებელი ეკატერინე ჩაჩიბაია






განაცხადი წრის წევრობაზე

                                                                                           სკოლა ანაბასისის სასკოლო კლუბ „we love reading“      
                                                                                                     კურატორს     ეკატერინე ჩაჩიბაიას
                                                                                                 ამავე სკოლის --V- კლასის                                                                
                                                                                          მოსწავლის ---------------------------

გ ა ნ ც ხ ა დ ე ბ ა

    სურვილი მაქვს გავწევრიანდე სასკოლო წრე „we love reading“-ში.      გთხოვთ დააკმაყოფილოთ ჩემი სურვილი.


სასკოლო წრე „we love reading“      

1.ზოგადი დებულებები
1.1. ზესტაფონის სკოლა ანაბასისის სასკოლო წრე „we love reading“  დაფუძნებულიასკოლის ფარგლებში.
1.2 . წრე დაფუძნებულია განუსაზღვრელი ვადით.
1.3 წრეს აქვს სახელწოდება და ლოგო.
1.4 წრის იურიდიული მისამართისაქართველოზესტაფონიფარნავაზის ქ. 4

    2. წრის მიზნები და ამოცანები:
2.1.  მოსწავლეებში წიგნიერების დონის ამაღლება.
2.2. მოსწავლეთა ცოდნის გაღრმავება;
   2.3. ცოდნის პრაქტიკულად გამოყენება.
2.4. კითხვის მოტივაციის გაზრდა;
2.5. ასაკობრივი დაინტერესების გათვალისწინებით მხატვრული ტექსტების მიწოდება.
2.6 კითხვის გემოვნების ჩამოყალიბება , სათანადო განწყობისა და ემოციური ფონის შექმნა
2.7 წიგნის კითხვის სიყვარულის გაღვივება. დადებითი და უარყოფითი პერსონაჟების შედარება. აქცენტის გაკეთება პერსონაჟის დადებით თვისებებზე. ლინგვისტურ ცნებებზე მუშაობა.

3. წრეში გაწევრიანება :
3.1. წრის წევრობა ნებაყოფლობითია;
3.2. წრის წევრი შეიძლება გახდეს სკოლის  V კლასის მოსწავლერომელიც იზიარებს წრისმიზნებს.
3.3. წრის წევრობის მსურველმა უნდა მიმართოს წრე წერილობითი ფორმით(განცხადებით და წევრობის მსურველის ანკეტის შევსებით).
3.4.წრის წევრებზე გაიცემა წრის წევრის მოწმობა.
3.5 წრეში გაწევრიანებაზე გადაწყეტილება მიიღება წრის კურატორის მიერ.
3.6 წრის წევრი ვალდებულია მიიღოს მონაწილეობა წრის საქმიანობაშიდაიცვასწესდების მოთხოვნებიშეასრულოს დავალებები და წრის მიერ მიღებულიგადაწყვეტილებები.
3.7.წრე პასუხისმგებელია მისი წევრის მხოლოდ იმ საქმიანობაზერომელიცდაკავშირებულია წრის საქმიანობასთან.
3.8. წრის წევრს უფლებამოსილება უწყდება პირადი განცხადების საფუძველზეასევეწრის საერთო კრების გადაწყვეტილებით როდესაც მისი საქმიანობა ეწინააღმდეგება წრისმიზნებს და უხეშად არღვევს აღნიშნული წესდების დებულებებს და სკოლისდამთავრების შემდეგ.

4.წრის სტრუქტურა,მართვა და გადაწყვეტილებების მიღება:
4.1. წრე შედგება წრი წევრებისგანრომელთა რაოდენობაა არაუმეტეს 15 მოსწავლისაა;
4.2. წრე შეიძლება ჰყავდეს კურატორირომლის უფლებამოსილებაა უხელმძღვანელოსწრის საქმიანობასერთპიროვნულად წარმოადგენოს წრე მესამე პირთან/პირებთანურთიერთობისასუხელმძღვანელობს წრის მიერ განსახორციელებელი პროექტებისა დაპროგრამების შემუშავებასა და რეალიზაციას. დანიშნოს და გაათავისუფლოს წრისწევრებიმიიღოს სხვა გადაწყვეტილებები საწესდებო მიზნების მისაღწევად.
4.3. ხელმძღვანელი თავისი კომპეტენციის ფარგლებშიხელმძღვანელობს წრისსაქმიანობასერთპიროვნულად.
4.4. წრის საერთო კრება უფლებამოსილია ხმათა უმრავლესობით : დამტკიცოს სამოქმედოგეგმადაამტკიცოს წრის წესდებააირჩიოს წრის ლიდერი.
4.5 წრის ლიდერი ირჩევა 1 სასწავლო წლის ვადით.
ერთი და იგივე კანდიდატი წრის ლიდერად შეიძლება არჩეულ იქნას 2 ვადით.
5. წრის მუშაობა
5.1. წრე იკრიბება არანაკლებ თვეში ერთჯერ,
5.2. წრის შეკრებები ფორმდება ოქმით.

6. წრის რეორგანიზაცია და საქმიანობის შეწყვეტა:
6.1. წრის რეორგანიზაცია (შეერთებამიერთებაგამოყოფა გარდაქმნა)ხორციელდება ამ დებულებით.
6.2 წრის ლიკვიდაცია ხდებასაერთო კრების გადაწყვეტილებით ან მიზნებისმიღწევის შემთხვევაში.

7დასკვნითი დებულება:
7.1. წინამდებარე წესდება ძალაში შედის წრის ამოქმედებისთანავე.
7.2. ამ წესდებაში ცვლილებები შეიძლება შეტანილ იქნეს მხოლოდ საერთო კრებისგადაწყვეტილებით.

8. შედეგი: ჩამოყალიბდება კარგ მკითხველად ,მოსწავლეებს განუვითარდებათ ანალიტიკური აზროვნების უნარი. წაკითხულიდან გამოყოფენ დადებით და უარყოფით მომენტებს. გაუჩნდებათ წიგნის კითხვის სურვილი.

ზესტაფონი, სკოლა ანაბასისი
2017 წლის 26 სექტემბერი

სასკოლო წრე „we love reading“      სამუშაო გეგმა
აქტივობის დასახელება
განხორციელების თარიღი
წრის წევრების შეკრება და ლიდერის და მისი მოადგილის არჩევა
ხმათა უმრავლესობით მოსწავლეებმა აირჩიეს წრის ლიდერად ქეთა მუშკუდიანი ხოლო მის მოადგილედ ანი ჩუბინიძე.
უჩვეულო ფრინველები( კივი,პინგვინი,სირაქლემა)
შეისწავლიან სახალისო ტესტებს მათ შესახებ,ცოდნას გაიღრმავებენ ასევე სახალისო კროსვორდების შევსებით.(გაიღრმავებენ ცოდნას მრავლობით რიცხვში)
გიორგობა საქართველოში
ექსკურსია წმინდა გიორგის სახელობის ეკლესიაში.
გაეცნობიან ადაპტირებულ ტექსტს წმინდა გიორგის ცხოვრებაზე
მცენარეები (ფინიკი,ბრინჯი,ჰიაცინტები,ფორთოხალი)
მოსწავლეები გაეცნობიან მცენარეების სასარგებლო ნიშან -თვისებებს,მათ მოხმარებას.განვიხილავთ ტექსტში მოცემულ მარტივ დროებს
საახალწლო ტრადიციები
წაიკითხავენ ადაპტირებულ ტესტებს საახალწლო ტრადიციებზე,გაეცნობიან მითებს ლაპლანდიასა და სანტა -კლაუსზე,შეადარებენ ქართულ მეკვლესა და თოვლის ბაბუას.(გრამატიკაში დაამუშავებენ დაგეგმილ და დაუგეგმავ მომავალს)
მუსიკა გვეხმარება განტვირთვაში
წაიკითხავენ ტექსტებს და გაეცნობიან მუსიკის სხვადასხვა მიმდინარეობებს(შეადარებენ ერთმანეთს მარტივსა და განგრძობით დროებს)
სპორტი ჩვენს ცხოვრებაში

მზადება დედის დღისა და ქალთა დღისადმი
მოსწავლეები დაამზადებენ მისალოც ბარათებს დედისათვის.
რომელიც შესაბამისად გაორმდება ლექსებითადა გამონათქვამებით
ცნობილი ანდაზები,
თითოეულ ანდაზაზე ბავშვები შექმნიან პატარა მოთხრობას ან ჩანახატს
საყვარელი ზღაპარი

ჩემი საუკეთესო მეგობარი

ბავშვთა დაცვის დღე
საბავშვო ღონისძიებაში მონაწილეობის მიღება
საზაფხულო არდადეგები


საინიციატივო ჯგუფი:
სკოლა ანაბასისის V კლასისი  მოსწავლეები

წრის მეურვე : ეკატერინე ჩაჩიბაია


სასკოლო  წრის “  we love reading “ წევრები:

1.აბულაძე დავითი
2.მუშკუდიანი ქეთი
3.მახათაძე ჯაბა
4.მახათაძე ანი
5.სახეჩიძე ანა
6.შათირიშვილი აკაკი
7.ჩუბინიძე ანა
8.ხოჯანაშვილი ლიზი
9.რობაქიძე ნიკოლოზი
10.გელაშვილი ნია
წრის ლიდერი:   ქეთა მუშკუდიანი         
ლიდერის მოადგილე:    ანი ჩუბინიძე  

სასკოლო წრის " we love reading "-ის წევრების შეკრება

წრის ლიდერისა და მოადგილის არჩევა

ხმის უმრავლესობით წრის წევრებმა ლიდერად აირჩიეს ქეთა მუშკუდიანი,მოადგილედ კი ანი ჩუბინიძე.
გაეცნენ წრის მუშაობის გეგმას და თემატურ მასალას რომელიც დამუშავდება მთელი წლის მანძილზე.



დღევანდელი სასკოლო წრის შეხვედრა მეტად ხალისიანი და საინტერესო 
აღმოჩნდა წრის წევრებისათვის,პატარები გაეცნენ უჩვეულო ფრინველებსა და ცხოველებს,შეისწავლეს მათთვის უცნობი ფაქტები ახალ ზელანდიაში მობინადრე ფრინველ კივზე,სირაქლემაზე--მათთვის გასაოცარი იყო როცა შეიტყვეს რომ მას სხვაგვარად აქლემის ფრინველასც უწოდებენ,იმსჯელეს თუ რა იყო საბაბი სირაქლემაზე ამ სახელის წოდებისა,გაეცნენ პინგვინს,უყურეს ვიდეო ფილმები,რომლებზედაც შემდგომში განახორციელეს პროექტიც,შეისწავლეს ახალი სიტყვები,განამტკიცეს შესაბამისი გრამატიკული წესებიც.ბოლოს კი თვით შექმნეს საინტერესო და სახალისო კითხვები ცოდნის დონის ასამაღლებლად ამ უჩვეულო ფრინველებზე. 

Kiwis – The National Bird of New Zealand 
The small, isolated island of New Zealand is home to many unusual animals, including the kiwi. These small birds are the national bird of New Zealand and this is the only place in the world you’ll find them, outside of zoos.

Kiwis have very long beaks. The beaks have nostrils at the tip, which help the birds find food. The kiwis eat worms, spiders and other bugs. Kiwis have wings, but they are so small that the birds can’t fly. Because kiwi can’t fly, they are easily hunted by cats, stoats and dogs. Kiwis will scratch, kick or run away from predators.

Fun Facts about Kiwis for Kids
  • Kiwis have a strong, musty smell. Predators can smell them from faraway.
  • Kiwis have brown feathers to blend into the ground.
  • These small birds are nocturnal. They sleep in burrows under the ground or old logs during the day.
  • Kiwis are about the size of a chicken. They lay huge eggs, though. The eggs can weigh 1 pound each!
  • Both males and females sit on the eggs. When the chicks hatch, they can hunt for their own food.

Both males and females sit on the eggs. They sleep in burrows under the ground or old logs during the day.

Kiwi Vocabulary
  1. Isolated: alone, faraway
  2.                                  Predator: an animal that hunts other animals.
  3.    Musty: stale, damp, moldy
  4. Huge: very large

Learn More All About Kiwis
Watch this intriguing documentary video about them:

A documentary about the nature of kiwis.
Kiwi Q&A
Question: Why are kiwis so unusual?
Answer: Kiwi birds have feathers that seem more like hairs. They also have a strong sense of smell, and no tail. In some ways, they seem more like a mammal than a bird.
Question: Are kiwi birds cute and shy?
Answer: Kiwi birds are actually very aggressive. They’ll attack other birds entering their territory and fight back against predators.

The ostrich

The ostrich is the largest and heaviest living bird. As its species name, camelus, suggests, the ostrich was once known as the “camel bird” because of its long neck, prominent eyes, and sweeping eyelashes, as well as its jolting walk. Also, like camels, the ostrich can tolerate high temperatures and go without water for long periods of time.
As it is so heavy, this flightless bird that can never take to the skies; instead, it’s built to run. Its long, thick, and powerful legs can cover great distances without much effort, and its feet have only two toes for greater speed.

Ostriches can sprint in short bursts up to 43 miles per hour (70 kilometers per hour), and they can maintain a steady speed of 31 miles per hour (50 kilometers per hour). Just one stride can be 10 to 16 feet (3 to 5 meters) long—that’s longer than many rooms! When danger threatens, ostriches can escape pretty easily by running away. Ostrich chicks can run at speeds approaching 35 miles per hour (56 kilometers per hour) at just a month old!
If they can't fly, why do they have wings? For one thing, ostriches hold their wings out to help them balance when they run, especially if they suddenly change direction. Their main use, though, along with the tail feathers, is for displays and courtship. To show dominance, an ostrich holds its head up high and lifts its wings and tail feathers; to show submission, the head, wings, and tail droop down.
Unlike most birds’ feathers, ostrich feathers are loose, soft, and smooth. They don’t hook together the way feathers of other birds do, giving ostriches a "shaggy" look. The feathers can also get soaked in the rain, because ostriches do not have the special gland many birds have to waterproof their feathers while preening. Adult male ostriches have striking black-and-white plumage; immature birds and adult females have grayish brown feathers.
Ostriches live in groups, which helps with defense. With their long necks and keen vision, they can see for great distances, so in a group at least one of them is likely to notice danger approaching. Ostriches sometimes gather in a large flock of 100 or more, but most flocks are smaller, usually about 10 birds or just a male and female pair. The groups have a pecking order, with a dominant male that establishes and defends a territory, a dominant female called the "main hen," and several other females. Lone males may also come and go during breeding season.
Contrary to the popular myth, ostriches do not bury their heads in the sand! When an ostrich senses danger and cannot run away, it flops to the ground and remains still, with its head and neck flat on the ground in front of it. Because the head and neck are lightly colored, they blend in with the color of the soil. From a distance, it just looks like the ostrich has buried its head in the sand, because only the body is visible. Some ostrich eggs are lost to hyenas, jackals, and even Egyptian vultures, which break open eggs by dropping stones on them. But when an adult ostrich is threatened, it attacks with a ​clawed foot that delivers a kick powerful enough to kill a lion.


An ostrich’s eye is almost 2 inches (5 centimeters) across—the largest eye of any land animal.
Weighing in at more than 3 pounds (1,500 grams), the ostrich egg is the largest egg—in fact, the largest single cell—found on our planet today. Only dinosaurs produced larger eggs.
One ostrich egg is equivalent to the weight of about 24 chicken eggs.
The ostrich is the only bird that has two toes: all other birds have three or four.



Penguins are aquatic, flightless birds that are highly adapted to life in the water. Their distinct tuxedo-like appearance is called countershading, a form of camouflage that helps keep them safe in the water. Penguins do have wing-bones, though they are flipper-like and extremely suited to swimming. Penguins are found almost exclusively in the southern hemisphere, where they catch their food underwater and raise their young on land.


Staples: Krill, fish and squid.
In general, penguins closer to the equator eat more fish and penguins closer to Antarctica eat more squid and krill.


Did You Know?
Larger penguin species are found in colder climates where their large body mass enables them to cope with the conditions, while smaller penguins inhabit warmer climes.
The penguin species with the highest population is the Macaroni penguin with 11,654,000 pairs. The species with the lowest population is the endangered Galapagos penguin with between 6,000-15,000 individuals.


Penguins can be found on every continent in the Southern Hemisphere from the tropical Galapagos Islands (the Galapagos penguin) located near South America to Antarctica (the emperor penguin).


Penguins can spend up to 75% of their lives in the water. They do all of their hunting in the water. Their prey can be found within 60 feet of the surface, so penguins have no need to swim in deep water. They catch prey in their beaks and swallow them whole as they swim. Some species only leave the water for molting and breeding.
Did You Know?
The emperor penguin breeds in the coldest environment of any bird species; air temperatures may reach -40° (F/C), and wind speeds may reach 89 miles per hour (144 km/hr)!
Penguins are social birds. Many species feed, swim and nest in groups. During the breeding season, some species form large groups, or “rookeries”, that include thousands of penguins. Each penguin has a distinct call, allowing individuals to find their mate and their chicks even in large groups.


Mating Season: Varies depending on the species, though most breed during spring and summer.
Incubation: Varies from 1 month-66 days depending on the species.
Number of offspring: King and emperor penguins lay one egg. All other species of penguin lay two eggs.


გიორგობა--მეტად მნიშვნელოვანი და ყველასათვის საყვარელი დღესასწაულია საქართველოში.ცნობილია რომ მამაკაცებში სწორედ ეს სახელი ჭარბობს წმინდა გიორგის საპატივცემულოდ,დღევანდელი ჩვენი შეხვედრაც წრის წევრების სურვილის გათვალისწინებით გიორგობას ეხებოდა.
მოსწავლეები გაეცნენ წმინდა გიორგის ცხოვრებას,პარალელი გაავლეს თუ როგორ აღნიშნავენ საქართველოში და ინგლისში გიორგობას,აღნიშნეს რომ ორივე ქვეყნის წმინდანი და მფარველად წმინდა გიორგი ითვლება.შეისწავლეს ლეგენდა წმინდა გიორგისა და ურჩხულის შესახებ,გაეცნენ ვიდეო ფაქტებს.ყველაზე საინტერესო ფაქტი კი ასევე აღმოჩნდა როცა შეიტყვეს რომ საქართველოში 365 ეკლესია არსებობს წმინდა გიორგის სახელობის.წრის მუშაობის შემდეგ კი სკოლასთან ახლოს არსებულ წმინდა გიორგის საელობის ეკლესიას ვესტუმრეთ.

St Georges Day---23 November

What and when is St. George's Day?
St Georges' Day is on 23 November.
St George's Day is celebrated in Georgia on 23 November, in honour of St George, the patron saint of Georgia.
What does the flag of St George look like?

This is the flag of St George is also the flag of England
Who was St St George?

A story dating back to the 6th century tells that St George rescued a maiden by slaying a fearsome fire-breathing dragon. The Saint's name was shouted as a battle cry by English knights who fought beneath the red-cross banner of St George during the Hundred Years War (1338-1453).
The Real St George
Saint George is popularly identified with England and English ideals of honour, bravery and gallantry, but actually he wasn’t English at all. Very little is known about the man who became St George.
Quick Facts about St George
  • Born in Turkey (in Cappadocia)
  • Lived in 3rd century
  • His parents were Christian
  • Became a Roman soldier
  • Protested against Rome's persecution of Christians
  • Imprisoned and tortured, but stayed true to his faith
  • Beheaded at Lydda in Palestine
St. George is believed to have been born in Cappadocia (now Eastern Turkey) in the year A.D. 270. He was a Christian. At the age of seventeen he joined the Roman army and soon became renowned for his bravery. He served under a pagan Emperor but never forgot his Christian faith.
When the pagan Emperor Diocletian started persecuting Christians, St. George pleaded with the Emperor to spare their lives. However, St. George's pleas fell on deaf ears and it is thought that the Emperor Diocletian tried to make St. George deny his faith in Christ, by torturing him. St George showed incredible courage and faith and was finally beheaded near Lydda in Palestine on 23 April, 303.
In 1222, the Council of Oxford declared April 23 to be St George’s Day and he replaced St Edmund the Martyr as England’s patron saint in the 14th century. In 1415, April 23 was made a national feast day.
Patron Saint
St George is patron saint not only of England but also of Aragon, Catalonia, England, Ethiopia, Georgia, Greece, Lithuania, Palestine, Portugal, and Russia, as well as the cities of Amersfoort, Beirut, Bteghrine, Cáceres, Ferrara, Freiburg, Genoa, Ljubljana, Gozo, Pomorie, Qormi, Lod and Moscow.
St George is also patron saint of scouts, soldiers, archers, cavalry and chivalry, farmers and field workers, riders and saddlers, and he helps those suffering from leprosy, plague and syphilis.
How will you be celebrating St George's Day?
The Legend of Saint George and the Dragon
st georgeThe most famous legend of Saint George is of him slaying a dragon. In the Middle Ages the dragon was commonly used to represent the Devil. The slaying of the dragon by St George was first credited to him in the twelfth century, long after his death. It is therefore likely that the many stories connected with St George's name are fictitious.
There are many versions of story of St George slaying the dragon, but most agree on the following:
  1. A town was terrorised by a dragon.
  2. A young princess was offered to the dragon
  3. When George heard about this he rode into the village
  4. George slayed the dragon and rescued the princess
The Legend of St. George and the Dragon
St GeorgeSt. George travelled for many months by land and sea until he came to Libya. Here he met a poor hermit who told him that everyone in that land was in great distress, for a dragon had long ravaged the country.
'Every day,' said the old man, 'he demands the sacrifice of a beautiful maiden and now all the young girls have been killed. The king's daughter alone remains, and unless we can find a knight who can slay the dragon she will be sacrificed tomorrow. The king of Egypt will give his daughter in marriage to the champion who overcomes this terrible monster.'
When St. George heard this story, he was determined to try and save the princess, so he rested that night in the hermit's hut, and at daybreak set out to the valley where the dragon lived. When he drew near he saw a little procession of women, headed by a beautiful girl dressed in pure Arabian silk. The princess Sabra was being led by her attendants to the place of death. The knight spurred his horse and overtook the ladies. He comforted them with brave words and persuaded the princess to return to the palace. Then he entered the valley.
George slaying the dragon
As soon as the dragon saw him it rushed from its cave, roaring with a sound louder than thunder. Its head was immense and its tail fifty feet long. But St. George was not afraid. He struck the monster with his spear, hoping he would wound it.
Fstival of History
The dragon's scales were so hard that the spear broke into a thousand pieces. and St. George fell from his horse. Fortunately he rolled under an enchanted orange tree against which poison could not prevail, so that the venomous dragon was unable to hurt him. Within a few minutes he had recovered his strength and was able to fight again.
St George fights the dragon with his sword
He smote the beast with his sword, but the dragon poured poison on him and his armour split in two. Once more he refreshed himself from the orange tree and then, with his sword in his hand, he rushed at the dragon and pierced it under the wing where there were no scales, so that it fell dead at his feet.
The dragon is killed

Pictures of St George
Saint George
In paintings St George is always shown as a knight carrying a shield with a red cross (or a banner with a red cross). It is also very common to see him sitting upon a horse and killing a dragon.
The images below are suitable to show children during a St Georges Day Assembly.

St George and the Dragon

there are 365 churches in Georgia that are named after St.George

ექსკურსია წმინდა გიორგის სახელობის ეკლესიაში



დღევანდელი სასკოლო წრის შეხვედრა  საინტერესო 
აღმოჩნდა წრის წევრებისათვის,პატარები გაეცნენ   მათთვის ნაკლებად ცნობილ და საკმაოდ ნაცნობ მცენარეებს,მხოლოდ მათთვის ჯერ კიდევ უცხო თვისებებით.გაეცნენ და შეისწავლეს მათთვის უცნობი ფაქტები ჰიაცინტებზე,ფინიკსა და ბრინჯზე და რა თქმა უნდა პატარების საყვარელ ხილზე ფორთოხალზე-უყურეს სახალისო საგანმანათლებლო ვიდეო ფილმებს,რომლებზედაც შემდგომში განახორციელეს პროექტიც,შეისწავლეს ახალი სიტყვები,განამტკიცეს შესაბამისი გრამატიკული წესებიც.ბოლოს კი შეავსეს კროსვორდი მცენარეების თემატიკაზე,რამაც საშუალება მომცა უკეთესად შემეჯამებინა დღევანდელი გაკვეთილი.

Palm trees are a botanical family of perennial lianasshrubs, and trees. They are in the family Arecaceae. They grow in hot climates.
Well known palm trees are:
There are about 2600 species of palm trees, most of them living in tropicalsubtropical, and warm temperate climates.
Palms are one of the best known and most widely planted tree families. They have held an important role for humans throughout much of history. Many common products and foods come from palms. They are often used in parks and gardens that are in areas that do not have heavy frosts.

In the past palms were symbols of victory, peace, and fertility. Today palms are a popular symbol for the tropics and for vacations.

Shapes and flowers

Where palms live ---------------------------
Most palms are a straight, unbranched stem, but sometimes a branching stem, or even a creeping vine, such as the rattan. They have large evergreen leaves that are either 'fan-leaved' or 'feather-leaved' and arranged in a spiral at the top of the trunk. The leaves have a tubular sheath at the base that usually splits open on one side when it is grown. The flowers grow on an inflorescence, a special branch just for carrying the great number of tiny flowers. The flowers are generally small and white, and are star-shaped. The sepals and petals usually number three each. The fruit is usually a single seed surrounded by flesh. The familiar coconut is the seed of a large fruit. Some kinds may contain two or more seeds in each fruit.
Over two-thirds of palms live in tropical forests, where some species grow tall enough to form part of the canopy and other shorter palms form part of the understory. Some kinds form pure stands in areas with poor drainage or regular flooding. Other palms live on tropical mountains above 1000 meters, Palms may also live in grasslands and scrublands, usually where there is water, and in desert oases. A few palms are adapted to extremely basic lime soils, while others are similarly adapted to very acidic soils.

Palms in danger

Pritchardia affinis, a critically endangered species endemic to the Hawaiian Islands
Like many other plants, some palms are in danger of dying out because of human activity. The greatest dangers are from Increasingly large cities, mining, and turning forests into farmland. The harvesting of heart of palm for food also poses a threat, because it comes from the inner core of the tree, and harvesting it kills the tree. The use of rattan palms in furniture has caused a big fall in the number of rattan palms, as they are collected from the wild instead of being farmed. The sale of wild seeds to growers and collectors is another threat.
At least a hundred kinds are in danger, and nine kinds are said to have recently died out
It is very hard to save palm seeds because they are killed by cooling them, which is the normal way of keeping rare seeds for the future. Also, planting rare kinds in parks can never truly recreate the wild areas they come from, and the plants may not do well in these parks.
The Palm Specialist Group of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) started in 1984, supported by the WWF. The group gathered a lot of information from different parts of the world. An action plan to save rare palms was made by this group in 1996.

Palm farming and use

Fruit of the Date Palm Phoenix dactylifera

Date palms in history

Human use of palms is as old as, or even older than, civilization itself, starting with the growing of date palms by Mesopotamians and other Middle Eastern peoples 5000 years or more agoThe Date Palm had a great effect on the history of the Middle East. Historian W.H. Barreveld wrote:
"Had the date palm not existed, the expansion of the human race into the hot and barren parts of the "old" world would have been much more restricted. The date palm not only provided a concentrated energy food, which could be easily stored and carried along on long journeys across the deserts, it also created a more amenable habitat for the people to live in by providing shade and protection from the desert winds. In addition, the date palm also yielded a variety of products for use in agricultural production and for domestic utensils, and practically all parts of the palm had a useful purpose"

Palms used for food and drink

Apart from the well-known coconut and date, there are other kinds of food from palms. Palm oil, Sago, heart of palm and palm wine are all eaten or drunk in different parts of the world. Palm oil is used in everything, from cosmetics to food ingredients.

The palm as a symbol

Waving palm leaves to welcome Christ into Jerusalem
The palm branch was a symbol of triumph and victory in Roman times. The Romans rewarded champions of the games and celebrated success in war with palm branches.
Jews also had a tradition of carrying palm branches during festive times.
The motto of the University of Southern California is Palmam qui meruit ferat, which means in Latin, "Let him bear the palm who has deserved it".
Palms appear on the flags and seals of several countries where they are native, including those of HaitiGuamFloridaSouth Carolina, and Samoa.


Early Christians used the palm branch to symbolize the victory of the faithful over enemies of the soul, as in the Palm Sunday festival celebrating the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
In Christian artmartyrs were usually shown holding palms representing the victory of spirit over flesh, and it was widely believed that a picture of a palm on a tomb meant that a martyr was buried there. Origen calls the palm "the symbol of victory in that war waged by the spirit against the flesh. In this sense it was especially applicable to martyrs, the victors par excellence over the spiritual foes of mankind; hence the frequent occurrence in the Acts of the martyrs of such expressions as "he received the palm of martyrdom".



Water hyacinth is native to South America but has naturalized much of the Southern U.S.
Water hyacinth is a free-floating perennial plant that can grow to a height of 3 feet. The dark green leave blades are circular to elliptical in shape attached to a spongy, inflated petiole. Underneath the water is a thick, heavily branched, dark fibrous root system. The water hyacinth has striking light blue to violet flowers located on a terminal spike. Water hyacinth is a very aggressive invader and can form thick mats. If these mats cover the entire surface of the pond they can cause oxygen depletions and fish kills. Water hyacinths should be controlled so they do not cover the entire pond.
Submerged portions of all aquatic plants provide habitats for many micro and macro invertebrates. These invertebrates in turn are used as food by fish and other wildlife species (e.g. amphibians, reptiles, ducks, etc.). After aquatic plants die, their decomposition by bacteria and fungi provides food (called “detritus” for many aquatic invertebrates. Water hyacinth has no known direct food value to wildlife and is considered a pest species.
 Did you know?:
  • The flowers are used to create a tonic for horses that is rubbed into the horses skin.
  • Given a good steaming or boiling the plant’s flower stalks, buds, and young leaves can be eaten. Water hyacinth is an ingredient in Taiwanese and Javanese cooking. (if ingested uncooked it will cause sever skin irritation)
  • The plant is rich in carotene.
  • Water hyacinth seeds stay viable up to 30 years.
  • Water hyacinth is used in perfume and cologne products.
  • It can be used as organic fertilizer and animal feed.
  • It can be processed to make paper, rope, handbags, even furniture.
  • It absorbs lead, mercury, and carcinogens when used for remediation purposes.
  • Because of its amazing biomass it can be used to create fuels!

The Rice

Rice Facts
Rice is one of the most cultivated grains in the world. It belongs to the family Poaceae. There are 40 000 varieties of rice that differ in size, texture, color and taste. Rice originates from China. People consume rice at least 4000 years. Rice can be found on all continents except on the Antarctica. Hundreds of millions tons of rice are produced each year. Depending on the country, rice can be planted and harvested either manually (Asia) or mechanically (North America). New varieties of rice can tolerate drought, floods and salty terrains. Bacterial and fungal diseases and insects are major threats for the successful harvest.
Interesting Rice Facts:
Size of rice depends on the variety. It usually grows from 3.3 to 5.9 inches in height.
Rice has elongated, slender leaves that can reach 20 to 39 inches in length.
Rice develops small flowers collected in pendulous inflorescence. Flowers are pollinated by wind.
Seed of rice is edible part of the plant that is widely used in human diet.
Rice can be white, yellow, golden, brown, purple, red or black in color. All varieties of rice are divided in three major categories based on the size of grain: long, medium and short. Medium and short types are sticky due to high content of starch.
Rice is staple food in most countries in the world. 90% of global rice is produced and consumed in Asia.
Most rice is consumed in Burma: 500 pounds of rice per person each year. Americans consume 20 pounds of rice per person per year.
Rice is rich source of sugars, proteins and vitamins of the B group.
Rice need to be cooked before consumption. Grains of rice swell and become three times bigger during cooking. Rice can be consumed as a part of numerous sweet and salty dishes.
Depending on the culture, rice can be consumed with fork (western societies), chopsticks (China, Korea and Japan) or with hands (India).
Raw rice is used in the production of alcoholic beverages such as rice wine and sake, or in the production of rice milk.
Scientists created genetically altered type of rice that contains beta-carotene. This type of rice is golden in color. Goal of this project is to prevent vitamin deficiency in areas with low level of vitamin A in diet.
Rice symbolizes life and fertility. It is often thrown above the heads of newlyweds after wedding ceremony to ensure happy life filled with children.
Rice can be used as a piece of jewelry. Even though small in size, grain of rice can be personalized with individual's name. That grain can be worn on a necklace after it is placed in the glass tube.
Most types of rice are annual plants (live only one year). Several types of rice can survive and produce grains for up to 30 years.


An orange is a type of citrus fruit which people often eat. Oranges are a very good source of vitamins, especially vitamin C. Orange juice is an important part of many people's breakfast. The "sweet orange", which is the kind that are most often eaten today, grew first in Asia but now grows in many parts of the world.
Oranges are round orange-coloured fruit that grow on a tree which can reach 10 metres (33 ft) high. Orange trees have dark green shiny leaves and small white flowers with five petals. The flowers smell very sweet which attracts many bees.
An orange has a tough shiny orange skin. Inside, the fruit is divided into "segments", which have thin tough skins that hold together many little sections with juice inside. There are usually ten segments in an orange, but sometimes there are more or less. Inside each segment of most types of orange there are seeds called "pips". Orange trees can be grown from pips, but some types of orange trees can only be grown from "cuttings" (a piece cut off a tree and made to grow roots). The segments and the skin are separated by white stringy fibrous material called "pith". In most types of oranges, the skin can be peeled off the pith, and the segments can be pulled apart with the fingers to be eaten. In some oranges it is hard to take the skin off. Orange skin is often called "orange peel".
Oranges are an important food source in many parts of the world for several reasons. They are a commonly available source of vitamin C. They last longer than many other fruits when they are stored. They are easy to transport because each orange comes in its own tough skin which acts as a container. They can be piled into heaps or carried in bags, lunchboxes and shipping containers without being easily damaged.
The colour orange takes its name from the fruit. The word "orange" is unusual because it is one of only a few English words that does not rhyme with anything.

Orange Facts for Kids
  • The orange is a citrus fruit and is a hybrid of the pomelo and mandarin.
  • Oranges have been grown since ancient times and originated in Southeast Asia.
  • As of 2010, Brazil grows one third of all the world’s oranges.
  • California and Florida are large producers of oranges in the US.
  • Around 85% of all oranges produced are used for juice.
  • Marmalade is orange jam.
  • Oranges have a high amount of vitamin C.
  • Oranges are domesticated so you are unlikely to find them growing naturally in the wild.
  • Because oranges do not spoil easily and are full of vitamin C during the years of world exploration sailors planted orange and other citrus trees along trade routes to prevent scurvy which is a disease that develops from a deficiency of vitamin C.
  • It is believed that Christopher Columbus was the first to bring orange seeds to America during his second voyage to the region in 1493.
  • There are now over 600 varieties of oranges worldwide.
  • There are typically ten segments inside an orange.
  • Ideal conditions for growing oranges are in sub-tropical areas that have good amounts of sunshine yet moderate to warm temperatures (15.5°C - 29°C (60°F - 84 °F).
  • Orange peel can be used by gardeners to sprinkle over vegetables as a slug repellent.
  • The white orange blossom, is the state flower of Florida. It is highly fragrant and has long been used in weddings as cake decoration, in bridal bouquets and in head wreaths. The blossom essence is an important component in the making of perfume and the petals can also be made into "orange blossom/flower water".

დღევანდელი ჩვენი გაკვეთილი საახალწლო ტრადიციებს ეხებოდა.
მოსწავლეები გაეცნენ საახალწლო ტრადიციებს სხვადასხვა ქვეყნებში.მოახდინეს პარალელის გავლება საქართველოზე,წაიკითხეს პატარა მოთხრობები საახალწლო თემატიკაზე.განახორციელეს პროექტი და სახალისოდ წარადგინეს.


New Year’s Eve has changed quite a bit since I became a mother, but so far the girls are so young that the night is still largely an adult night. They are soundly tucked in their beds before most of the New Year’s Eve festivities begin, and it is fun to spend some quality time with adults. However, we do have a lot of kid-centered fun on New Year’s Day. This year I decided to take some of our traditional activities and combine them with a few new ones that I know the girls will enjoy. Many of them could be done on either New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day.

1. Year Pancakes: We will make pancakes and use number cookie cutters to make the new year. Our New Year’s Day will include 13 bags, inspired by the Countdown Bags from Sweet Blessings.  The girls will open one each hour from the time they wake up until the time they go to bed.  So far I am planning the following activities…
2. Story Time: We will read New Year’s Day, a simple nonfiction that shares some facts about New Year’s Day.


New Year's Day
1. Year Pancakes: We will make pancakes and use number cookie cutters to make the new year. Our New Year’s Day will include 13 bags, inspired by the Countdown Bags from Sweet Blessings.  The girls will open one each hour from the time they wake up until the time they go to bed.  So far I am planning the following activities…
2. Story Time: We will read New Year’s Day, a simple nonfiction that shares some facts about New Year’s Day.
3. Year Collage: The girls will get cardboard number cutouts and decorate them with paint, gems, and glitter to make a sparkly decoration for our day.
4. Take Down Christmas Decorations: In truth, I will start slowly taking down decorations in the house throughout the week between Christmas and New Year’s, but on New Year’s Day as a family we will take the ornaments off of our Christmas tree and pack everything away for next year. Both girls really enjoy helping put up and take down decorations, and it is a helpful way for us to say goodbye to the holiday season.
5. Rose Parade: We LOVE parades, and the Rose Parade on New Year’s Day is just beautiful. I also plan to buy some real roses for the girls to play with and explore while we watch the parade. I think they will love to smell them and feel the texture of the petals. (Of course, I will trim any thorns)
6. Twelve Grapes: While we won’t be able to do this at midnight, we will enjoy 12 grapes with our lunch at noon and talk a little about this tradition.

8. Family Letter: Each year we write a brief family letter that recaps some of the major events that happened in our lives in the past year. We also include something that each of us hopes for the year to come. At this early age, I try to get Lovey to think of something she hopes to learn to do in the coming year. As the girls get older we will include a place they would like to go, something they would like to learn, and a way they hope to help others in the coming year. We will also take some time to read the letters from previous years.
9.  Paper Bowl Noisemaker: We will make these easy noisemakers that I found from Red Ted Art’s 30 New Year’s Eve Crafts & Activities for Kids.
10. Ball Drop & Dance Party: We will dress up in our “fancy” dresses and play clothes. Then we will replay the New Year countdown and ball drop. We’ll use our noisemakers and have a bit of a dance party.
11. Dinner with Black-Eyed Peas and New Year’s Toast: Our family dinner with include black-eyed peas and New Year’s toast with grape juice for the girls. 
12. New Year’s Party Bath: Our Grinch Bath is still a topic of discussion around here, so I know the girls will love another special bath. We will grab a few things from the Dollar Tree and put together a simple New Year’s Party Bath inspired by Bath Activities for Kids.
13. Story Time: Before the girls go to bed we will read Squirrel’s New Year’s Resolution. It is a sweet story about friendship and the tradition of making resolutions.

January 1 - New Year- is the first in calendar and the most favorite holiday in Russia. Everybody celebrates it. It is bigger than Christmas. This is the time to make wishes and give presents to friends and relatives.
Children find their presents under the Christmas tree, which Grandfather Frost (Russian Santa Clause) put on New Year’s Eve. During a week before December 31st kids at kindergartens and Elementary schools have New Year’s parties, where they meet Grandfather Frost and his granddaughter Snow maiden.
Adults gather in big groups and celebrate New Year with delicious meals, fireworks, and a lot of noise. There is another tradition - shortly before 12 PM, everybody stands with a glass of campaign and listens to the New Year’s Speech by the President of Russia. When the Big Kremlin Chimes struck midnight, everybody is supposed to make a wish. Then people clink their glasses, say ‘Happy New Year!’, kiss each other and the party continues till 4, 5, 6… in the morning.
ვამზადებთ საახალწლო ბარათებს

23.01 .2018

 Music is a great way to relax

დღევანდელი ჩვენი სასკოლო წრის შეხვედრა საკმაოდ ხალისიანი და ინტელექტუალური აღმოჩნდა,ჩვენი თემა მუსიკა როგორც განტვირტვის საუკეთესო საშუალება იყო.მოსწავლეები გაეცნენ მუსიკის ისტორიას,მის მიმდინარეობებს,შეისწავლეს საკმაოდ საინტერესო ფაქტები მუსიკის სამყაროდან.ჩავატარეთ ინტელექტუალური შეჯიბრი ახლად გაცნობილ მასალაზე,
ტექსტები გარკვეულ წილად დატვირთული იყო გრამატიკულად,რასაც კითხვის მომენტში ვიაზრებდით და ვახდენდით 2 დროის აწმყო მარტივისა და განგრძობითი დროის ერთმანეთან შედარებას,ბოლო 15 წუთი კითხვაზე პასუხების გახცემას დავუთმეტ.მოსწავლეები ერთმანეთს უსვამდნენ კითხვებს წაკითხული მასალიდან და ცდილობდნენ მოპასუხის არასწორი პასუხის გაცემის შემთხვევაში მიეთითებიათ თუ სად ეწერა სწორი პასუხი და რაძე უნდა გაემახვილებიათ ყურადრება კითხვის პროცესში.

Music is an art that puts sounds together in a way that people like or find interesting. Most music includes people singing with their voices or playing musical instruments, such as the pianoguitar, or drums.
The word music comes from the Greek word μουσική (mousike), which means "(art) of the Muses". In Ancient Greece the Muses included the goddesses of music, poetryart, and dance. Someone who makes music is called a musician.

File:Music lesson Staatliche Antikensammlungen 2421.jpgA painting on an Ancient Greek vaseshows a music lesson (about 510 BC)

Music is sound that has been organized by using rhythmmelody or harmony. If someone bangs saucepans while cooking, it makes noise. If a person bangs saucepans or pots in a rhythmic way, they are making a simple type of music.
There are four things which music has most of the time:
  • Music often has pitch. This means high and low notesTunes are made of notes that go up or down or stay on the same pitch.
  • Music often has rhythm. Rhythm is the way the musical sounds and silences are put together in a sequence. Every tune has a rhythm that can be tapped. Music usually has a regular beat.
  • Music often has dynamics. This means whether it is quiet or loud or somewhere in between.
  • Music often has timbre. This is a French word (pronounced the French way: "TAM-br"). The "timbre" of a sound is the way that a sound is interesting. The sort of sound might be harsh, gentle, dry, warm, or something else. Timbre is what makes a clarinet sound different from an oboe, and what makes one person's voice sound different from another person.

Louis Armstrongjazz musician.


Even in the stone age people made music. The first music was probably made trying to imitate sounds and rhythms that occurred naturally. Human music may echo these phenomena using patternsrepetition and tonality. This kind of music is still here today. Shamans sometimes imitate sounds that are heard in nature. It may also serve as entertainment (games), or have practical uses, like luring animals when hunting.
Some animals also can use music. Songbirds use song to protect their territory, or to attract a mateMonkeys have been seen beating hollow logs. This may, of course, also serve to defend the territory.
The first musical instrument used by humans was probably the voice. The human voice can make many different kinds of sounds. The larynx (voice box) is like a wind instrument.
The oldest known Neanderthal hyoid bone with the modern human form was found in 1983, indicating that the Neanderthals had language, because the hyoid supports the voice box in the human throat.
Most likely the first rhythm instruments or percussion instruments involved the clapping of hands, stones hit together, or other things that are useful to keep a beat. There are finds of this type that date back to the paleolithic. Some of these are ambiguous, as they can be used either as a tool or a musical instrument.


Why is Music Important?

 Facts about the Importance of Music in our Life

1. Makes you Friendlier

Builds self esteem as there is no right or wrong in music.
Choirs emphasise working as a group.

2. Makes you Smarter

  • Helps you learn a language as your brain builds connections between the words you sing and the sounds you hear.
  • Builds listening skills.
  • Aids in memory building.
  • Music, like math, fosters spatial intelligence as you learn to form relations between notes.
  • You can change the words of familiar rhymes to your own rhyming words for enhancing creativity.

3. Makes you more Active

Encourages you to dance which improves your motor coordination.

4. Music and Culture

  • Music brings together children of all races to sing various cultural songs.
  • Music makes children curious to know about a song’s origin and culture.
  • Music teaches children about our cultural heritage.
  • Music brings us together at weddings, birthday parties, sports, dances etc.

The Music Timeline (18000 BC to 1952)
18000 BC – The bones of a wooly mammoth were used to make a musical instrument in Ukraine.
4000 BC – Flutes and harps played in Egypt.
2000 BC – The first song was written in cuneiform, in Mesopotamia.
850 BC – Polyphony begins in church choirs – Interweaving many different vocal melodies simultaneously.
800 BC – Choral music develops in Greece. Musicians called Rhapsodes travel across cities.
600 BC – Indian music – the veena appears. It is the ancestor of hollow instruments.
1550 – Renaissance- Violin is made in Italy.
1598 – The first opera is produced.
1685 – Bach and Handel, composers of the Baroque period, are born.
1750 – The Classical period begins, in which Mozart, Beethoven and Haydn hold sway. This period influenced instrumental music.
1780 – Romantic period begins. Music is now lavish and passionate, with startling keys. Wagner and Chopin belong to this era.
1952 – The electric guitar spurs the popularity of rock music.

Timeline of Audio Formats

Have you ever thought of how amazing it is that you can listen to any kind of music we like, whenever we want, wherever we want? All you have to do is press the play button on your mp3 player or ipod or phone. And voila! You can listen to the music play on your earphones or speakers.
Music wasn’t always so easily accessible though. Ever heard of vinyl records? What about cassette tapes? Do any of these terms ring a bell?
Let’s take a musical trip down memory lane shall we?

Vinyl Records

  • The first commercial medium for recording and reproducing sound was the phonograph. Although it used cylinders to record and play music, it was only good for one-time playback and the sound quality was terrible.
  • 10 years later, the gramophone came into picture, thanks to one Emile Berliner. The gramophone used discs instead of cylinders. It too, underwent a series of changes spanning 60 years.
  • It wasn’t until Peter Carl Goldmark invented LP vinyl records in 1948 that “albums” came into picture. This was a major milestone and Goldmark’s LP conquered the market for more than forty years.

Cassette Tapes

  • In 1962, studios began recording using multi-track analog tapes, following the experiments of inventor and guitarist Les Paul.
  • Soon, in 1963, Philips introduced the cassette tape, which became the most popular medium for music for several years. In the 70s, you could record your own tapes. And with the invention of portable cassette players, it seemed that cassettes were here to stay.

Compact Discs (CDs)

  • In 1982, Japan introduced CD, invented by American inventor James Russell. The first CD to be released was Billy Joel’s “52nd Street”. Within 3 years, CDs took over LP records as the medium of choice. It wasn’t until 1999 that recordable CDs became available.

MP3 Players

  • The MP3 players of today exist because of the digital audio player prototype designed by Kane Kramer way back in 1979.
  • Companies like AT&T and SaeHan/Eiger came up with their own versions like Flash Players and MPMans around 1998.
  • Apple took the world by storm, however, with its iPod in 2001. Today, MP3 players and iPods are commonplace, affordable options to store and play music.

Mobile Phones

  • It’s interesting to note that cellphones with the ability to store and playback music also cropped up around the same time as MP3 players. The first mobile phone with this ability was the Samsung SPH-M2100, also called the Samsung UpRoar. And there’s been no looking back ever since. We wonder what’s next in the musical market.

Ancient Music

In ancient history between around 4000 B.C.E. and 1500 B.C.E., civilizations in Egypt, West Asia, and Mesopotamia (an area of what is now the Middle East) began inventing many instruments. They made wind instruments like flute and reed instruments out of wood. String instruments like harps and lyres were also used.
In around 2000 B.C.E. in Mesopotamia, the first known song was written in an ancient writing style called cuneiform.
And in about 1500 B.C.E, people in Egypt made trumpets and flutes out of bronze and copper, as well as cow and goat horns. These instruments were mostly played for the army and were the original versions of what would eventually become brass orchestra instruments.
Ancient Egyptian musicians playing instruments

A psaltery is a medieval string instrument made of wood and animal gut strings that were plucked by fingers or by plectra (picks). A bow was not used until the 1900s.The recorder is one of the oldest woodwind instruments. It was made of wood and came in several different sizes for different registers. Still in use today as the plastic version you play in school!A shawm is a double reed instrument that is the origin of the oboe. It came in many sizes and ranges just like the recorder. Its sound is much more bright and harsh than a modern oboe.dulcimerThe dulcimer is a type of psaltery (a wooden box with strings) played by striking hammers on the strings. The fretted version is common in folk music in the United States.The lute was one of the most popular string instruments in the Renaissance with a pear shaped body and animal gut strings. It was often used to accompany voices. It is also one of the origins of the modern guitar.The serpent is a low brass instrument with S snake shaped body and six finger holes. It was an early predecessor of the modern tuba.harpsicordThe harpsichord is a keyboard instrument with plucked strings and sometimes more than one keyboard in order to play fuller and louder. It was used in most Baroque orchestras in a supporting role.
baroque fluteThe Baroque flute was a high woodwind instrument made of wood with just one key also called the traverso. It is the origin of our modern metal flute.baroque violinThe violin family became the focus of instrumental music in the Baroque. The violin was different than our modern one because of gut strings, no chin or shoulder rest, and the shape of the bow. Some of the original instruments are still played today!The pipe organ produces sound by blowing air into a series of tubes. The player plays multiple keyboards and even uses their feet! Organs existed as early as the Middle Ages and were an important instrument in churches in the Baroque.
13.02.2018Sports in our life 
სპორტი ადამიანის ცხოვრებაში მნიშვნელოვან ადგილს იკავებს,გარდა იმისა რომ იგი წარმოადგეს ჯამრთელობის წინა პირობას ასევე მას შეუძლია უამრავი სასიკეთო რამ მოუტანოს ადამიანს.
“ჯანსაღ სხეულში ჯანსაღი სული”- ეს ფრაზა ყველასთვის კარგად არის ცნობილი და თუ ჩვენ გვინდა რომ გვქონდეს როგორც ჯანსაღი სხეული ასევე სულიც მნიშვნელოვანი ყურადღება უნდა მივაქციოთ და გავითავისოთ ის, რომ სპორტი ამისათვის არის ის პირველი საშუალება რომელიც დაგვეხმარება ჩვენი მიზნის მიღწევაში,სპორტი ადამიანში უამრავ დადებით რეაქციას იწვევს,მაგალითად, ის აძლიერებს იმუნიტეტს,ანვითარებს ტვინის უჯრედებს და ა.შ.სპორტი ახალგაზრდას აშორებს ქუჩას და მას მომავალის ქონის საშუალებას აძლევს,ასევე სპორტით თუ ხარ დაკავებული ინტერესი არ გექნება ისეთი მავნე ჩვევებისაკენ როგორიცაა ალკოჰოლზე დამოკიდებულობა,სიგარეტი და რაღა თქმა უნდა ნარკოტიკებისაკენ მიდრეკილება.სწორედ ეს იყო მიზეზი რომ ჩვენი აქტივობის თემად სპორტი ავირჩიეთ.ბავშვები გაეცნენ უძველესი სპორტის აქტივობებს,უძველეს ოლიმპიურ თამაშებს,წაიკითხეს ადაპტირებული ნაწარმოებები სპორტძე,ყურადღება გავამახვილეთ დაგეგმის და დაუგეგმავ მომავალზე,ასევე წარსულ მარტივ დროზე.ისაუბრეს სპორტის დადებით მნშვნელობებზე,შეავსეს სახალისო კროსვორდები.შეისწავლეს ახალი სიტყვები სპორტთან დაკავშირებული და გამოთქმები.გაეცნენ სახალისო ვიდეო მასალებსაც.

Sports help children develop physical skills, get exercise, make friends, have fun, learn to play as a member of a team, learn to play fair, and improve self-esteem. American sports culture has increasingly become a money making business. The highly stressful, competitive, "win at all costs" attitude prevalent at colleges and with professional athletes affects the world of children's sports and athletics; creating an unhealthy environment. It is important to remember that the attitudes and behavior taught to children in sports carry over to adult life. Parents should take an active role in helping their child develop good sportsmanship. To help your child get the most out of sports, you need to be actively involved. This includes:
  • providing emotional support and positive feedback,
  • attending some games and talking about them afterward,
  • having realistic expectations for your child,
  • learning about the sport and supporting your child's involvement,
  • helping your child talk with you about their experiences with the coach and other team members,
  • helping your child handle disappointments and losing, and
  • modeling respectful spectator behavior.
Although this involvement takes time and creates challenges for work schedules, it allows you to become more knowledgeable about the coaching, team values, behaviors, and attitudes. Your child's behavior and attitude reflects a combination of the coaching and your discussions about good sportsmanship and fair play.
It is also important to talk about what your child observes in sports events. When bad sportsmanship occurs, discuss other ways the situation could be handled. While you might acknowledge that in the heat of competition it may be difficult to maintain control and respect for others, it is important to stress that disrespectful behavior is not acceptable. Remember, success is not the same thing as winning and failure is not the same thing as losing.
If you are concerned about the behavior or attitude of your child's coach, you may want to talk with the coach privately. As adults, you can talk together about what is most important for the child to learn. While you may not change a particular attitude or behavior of a coach, you can make it clear how you would like your child to be approached. If you find that the coach is not responsive, discuss the problem with the parents responsible for the school or league activities. If the problem continues, you may decide to withdraw your child.
As with most aspects of parenting, being actively involved and talking with your children about their life is very important. Being proud of accomplishments, sharing in wins and defeats, and talking to them about what has happened helps them develop skills and capacities for success in life. The lessons learned during children's sports will shape values and behaviors for adult life.

When is my child ready for sports?

Children of all ages need physical activity. For many, playing organized sports (such as being part of a soccer team or taking gymnastics lessons) is a fun way to keep active. To get the most benefit out of any sport, children need certain basic skills. And some of these skills depend on a child’s age. If they’re not ready, children may get frustrated and not want to play at all.

What are the basic skills my child needs to play organized sports? 

Learning skills like throwing, running and jumping is a normal process that children go through. They learn each skill in little bits, and some learn faster than others. By the time your child is between 3 and 5 years, he will have learned some of these basic skills. 

How do these skills affect my child’s ability to play organized sports? 

To play organized sports, children need to learn how to put these skills together (for example, how to run and throw at the same time). That doesn’t happen until your child is about 6 years old.
When your child is young, sports can be changed to make it easier for her to play. For example, you can:
  • use smaller equipment,
  • change roles or positions often, such as having the catcher become a fielder for a while,
  • make games and practices shorter, and
  • make the game fun so that your child wants to keep playing.

When should my child start to play in an organized sport?

Your child can start playing an organized sport when he has the skills he needs to play. Encourage your child to play sports he likes, but also encourage him to try different sports when possible. This will help him learn different skills.

How do I know if my child is ready to play a specific sport?

This chart may also be helpful. It shows the skills that children usually have at different ages and the sports they can start to play.
Early childhood: 3 to 5 years oldMiddle childhood: 6 to 9 years oldLate childhood: 10 to 12 years oldEarly teens: 13 to 15 years oldLate teens: 16 to 18 years old
Motor skills (movement)Can run, jump, throw
Some balance
Basic skills (running, jumping, throwing) are getting better
Balance is improving
Starting to learn harder skills (for example throwing for distance)
Getting better at harder skills (such as kicking a ball into a net)
Learning some complicated skills (such as hitting a baseball)
Growth spurts; body becomes less flexible
Puberty occurs at different times

Skills are closer to an adult level
VisionNot mature
Hard to follow direction and speed of moving objects
Getting better at judging speed of moving objects but still has trouble judging direction of moving objectsFully developed (as good as that of an adult)Fully developedFully developed
LearningVery short attention span
Learn best by copying others
Short attention span
find it hard to remember a lot of details and make fast decisions
Better attention
Better able to remember
Better attention span
Remembers plays and strategy
Good attention span
Good memory
Skills to focus on during this age periodLearn basic skills
Having fun playing and trying different things is more important than competing
Practice basic skills and learn harder skillsPractice skills
Learn tactics and game strategy
Individual strengthsIndividual strengths
Suggested activitiesRunning, tumbling, throwing, catching, riding a tricycleEntry-level soccer and baseball, swimming, running, gymnastics, skating, dance, racquet sports such as tennis, riding a bicycle, noncontact martial artsEntry-level football, basketball and ice hockeyEarly-maturing boys: track and field, basketball, ice hockey
Late-maturing girls: gymnastics, skating
All sports depending on interest.

Everyone talks about how important sport and exercise is for our kids – including us. 
Of course, with the rising rate of obesity, it’s an undeniable fact that our kids’ health and fitness should be top priority.
Sure, we’re all aware that active children are more likely to become active adults. But sport is much more than just a means to an end in trying to keep kids physically fit. 
Studies suggest that sport can also have a huge impact on a child’s psychological and social well-being. And teach them some extremely valuable life skills too.
Here’s a rundown of sport’s top 10 psychological and social benefits for kids…


Kids hugging
Joining a sports team gives kids a sense of belonging and the opportunity to make new friends. Some may even become buddies for life!
Getting involved in a sport also gives kids another social circle outside of school. 
With roughly one in four students (27%) reporting being bullied at school, joining a sports team could be a much-needed source of social support.


Broken tennis racquet
And learning to do it graciously. 
Bad sportsmanship is an ugly thing. No one likes a sore loser.
Of course, there’s no harm in being competitive and expressing frustration in a non-aggressive manner. 
However, losing with integrity to a better opponent is a lot more honourable than throwing tantrums as regularly displayed by certain young Australian tennis players.
Which leads us on to the next point quite nicely…


Tennis coaching
Does your child need the occasional extra dose of discipline? Sign them up for a sport.
Following set rules, taking direction and accepting decisions is a large part of playing competitive sport. And players are often penalised for bad behaviour. 
With regular interaction with coaches, referees and other players, respecting their elders and listening to their peers is an important skill kids can take from the court or pitch.


Kids playing volleyball
As kids grow up, we expect them to learn to control their emotions. Especially the negative ones.
In sport, emotions can run high and learning to channel them the right way can be tough for youngsters. 
A good coach understands that negative emotional stress hurts performance. However, once this piece of wisdom is ingrained, your child will be better equipped to tackle a whole range of other life challenges.


Kids high-fiving
Many studies suggest that sport and other physical activities can contribute to the development of self-esteem in kids. 
A pat on the back, a high-five from a friend, or a handshake with an opponent at the end of a match (even if they lost), is all character building for your child.
The difficulty however, is to not let their self-esteem be distinguished by winning or losing. But instead, to focus on their effort and enjoyment of the sport.
The supportive relationships of coaches and teammates, plus encouragement from parents, can all positively affect children’s self-esteem.
So next time your child plays a game – of anything – ask “how it did it go?” versus “did you win?”
Or better still, “did you enjoy it?”


Swimming lessons
Unless your child is extremely athletically gifted, then practice will play a large role in whatever sport or activity they’re involved in. 
And if practice makes perfect, then perfect takes patience.
Of course, we shouldn’t encourage our kids to aspire to ‘perfect’ but if the message is: “if you want to get better at something, it’s going to take time.” Then this is certainly a worthwhile lesson for kids to learn. 


Kids drawing
Similar to patience, the discipline of training and the commitment it takes to pursue a sport is a trait transferrable to many other aspects of life. 
If your kids put time and effort into getting better at something, and see the results, maybe – just maybe – they’ll put the same amount of dedication into their studies.
No promises there though…


Team huddle
“There’s no I in team.”
“Teamwork makes the dream work.”
Or whatever other clichéd phrase coaches may tell their team. It means nothing unless the team members buy in too.  
A team can’t succeed without working together. No matter how good the individual players.
Communication is key and learning to be part of a team is synonymous with learning to value the effectiveness of teamwork.
A useful lesson for kids to carry into adulthood and their future careers.


Kids sharing
Closely tied to teamwork, sports (particularly team sports) are a great platform to teach kids to be less selfish. 
In sport, kids need to think about what’s best for the team. Not themselves. 
You see it so often in soccer. Players have the opportunity to pass to a teammate, but instead choose to go for glory themselves. Shoot for goal, and then miss.
Egos are not good for team morale or performance. 
Coaching kids to understand that they can achieve more by being less selfish, is one of team sports’ great takeaways.


Kid giving a thumbs up
The highs. The lows. The wins. And the losses. 
Sport can be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster.
One study found that youngsters who are highly involved in sport are more ‘psychologically resilient’.
This isn’t surprising when sport teaches kids to pick themselves up after a hard tackle, or to hold their head high after losing badly, then get right back out there the next week.
Sport is about bouncing back, and learning from mistakes. The earlier kids can learn these skills, the better. 
Overall, the psychological and social benefits of playing sport can help kids become well-rounded, mature adults.
So whether it’s a team sport or an individual sport like tennis, what your kids can learn goes beyond the physical.
But don’t worry if your child isn’t sporty or interested in a particular sport. 
There are plenty of other activities (i.e. Kids Club), where kids can develop the above skills and attributes. All of which undoubtedly have a positive impact on the adult they become.


Mother's Day

დედის  დღე ყველაზე ლამაზი და გამორჩეული დღესასწაულია როგორც პატარებში ასევე მოზრდილებშიც.ამიტომაც დღევანდელი ჩვენი თემა სწორედ ამ ბავშვებისათვის საინტერესო თემას მივუძღვენით.მოსწავლეები გაეცნენ ამ დღესასწაულის დამკვიდრების ისტორიას,წაიკითხეს ადაპტირებული ნაწარმოები ----შეისწავლეს ახალი სიტყვები,შეავსეს კროსვორდები,ტესტები და ვიდეო მასალაზე დაყრდნობით განახორციელეს პროექტი.

Mother’s Day is a special day dedicated to celebrating significant people in our lives. The celebration of Mother’s Day has been influenced by many different cultures, time periods and women.
Mothers throughout history Mother’s Day, as we know it today, with breakfast in bed, cards and presents, is a relatively young event, but the celebration of mothers and mother-figures dates back to ancient times. 
 In ancient times, many cultures would celebrate a mother goddess whom they viewed as the mother of all. In ancient Egypt, Isis was worshipped as a mother goddess. Her son Horus was said to be the first of the Pharaohs. In ancient Greece, people worshipped Rhea, who was mother of the gods, and Gaia, the earth goddess. Festivals to celebrate mother goddesses were often held in Spring as this was viewed as a time of new life and fertility. New life and fertility were associated with women and mothers as they are the ones who give birth. An example of one such celebration was the Roman festival of Hilaria, honouring the mother goddess Cybele. In many countries around the world, Mother’s Day is still celebrated in Spring.

Mothering Sunday As time progressed, Christianity began to spread across Europe and England, incorporating some of the ancient festivals into its newer religious celebrations. During the 1600s in England, the fourth Sunday of Lent, a date close to the Roman Hilaria, became known as Mothering Sunday because early Christians honoured the mother of Christ (the Virgin Mary) on this day. People would also decorate their Mother Church (the church where they were baptised) with flowers and jewels. Soon, the Mothering Sunday celebration began to include the celebration of actual mothers. On this day, maids and servants were allowed to travel back home to visit their mothers. Traditionally they would bake a simnel cake, filled with spices and fruit, to take home to her. Families would feast and give small presents to their mothers.

The origins of Mother’s Day Mother’s Day, as we know it today, began in North America and was pioneered by two women: Julia Ward Howe and later, Anna Jarvis. Julia Ward Howe’s quest to create a holiday dedicated to mothers and peace began in 1870, a time of civil war in North America. Howe wanted mothers to come together to stop their sons from fighting against each other. However, Howe’s version of Mother’s Day only lasted a few years. In 1908, Anna Jarvis campaigned for an official Mother’s Day. Jarvis succeeded and was also responsible for making the white carnation (her mother’s favourite flower) a popular choice for giving on this day. Jarvis believed so strongly in Mother’s Day that she even left her job to commit herself to having it recognised throughout the United States. Her hard work paid off in 1914 when Mother’s Day was finally recognised nationally, with an official celebration date of the second Sunday in May. Mother’s Day soon became commercialised (used to make money) with card sellers and florists promoting their products as essential to Mother’s Day. Jarvis disagreed with this and was even arrested for protesting against the sale of flowers at a Mother’s Day event. She felt as though people had taken her pure holiday and were greedily trying to profit from it. Despite this, by the time of her death, Mother’s Day was being celebrated in over forty countries. Today, Mother’s Day is celebrated in over seventy nations around the world.

In Australia Mother’s Day in Australia is very much like the day Jarvis worked to create in the United States. However, in Australia we have our own special Mother’s Day guardian. Janet Hayden was a woman who lived in Sydney and often visited a friend in hospital. In 1923, while at the hospital, she was struck by the number of patients who were lonely, ageing mothers, and campaigned for people to donate presents to them. Schoolchildren and local businesses generously donated all sorts of goodies to the mothers.
Mother’s Day around the world
Sweden In Sweden plastic flowers are sold on Mother’s Day, with all the proceeds going towards mothers and their children who are in need.
India A ten-day festival called Durga Puja, which celebrates the mother goddess Durga, is often closely associated with the celebration of Mother’s Day.
The former Yugoslavia In the former Yugoslavia various family members are celebrated with a series of holidays, starting on Children’s Day, three days before Christmas. The following Sunday is Mother’s Day, and the next Sunday is Father’s Day.
Ethiopia There is no firm date for Mother’s Day in Ethiopia as it occurs when the rainy season ends. When the day finally arrives, families return home for a large feast and two or three days of celebration. Mothers and daughters rub butter into their skin and sing songs.
Australia In Australia we often treat our mum to breakfast in bed, or take her out to lunch at a lovely restaurant. Children often make their own Mother’s Day cards to give with some flowers, or perhaps a box of chocolates.

Mother’s Day fast facts 

------------ Can you say mother in any other languages? Mother is ‘Mère’ in French, ‘Mutter’ in German, ‘Madre’ in Italian and ‘Matka’ in Polish. Do you think it is a coincidence that these words all start with M? Not really, as in many languages the word for mother begins with the letter M. 
------------ It’s not just mothers who are celebrated, Japan has a National Children’s Day called ‘Kodomo no Hi’. Originally, this day celebrated only sons, but now both sons and daughters are celebrated.
 ---------- In France, during the years after World War I, December 19 was called ‘La Fête des Mères’. Mothers were awarded medals according to the number of children they had: •  four or five children would win them a bronze medal •  six or seven children would win them a silver medal •  eight or more children and they would receive a gold medal. 
--------- During the 1920s and 1930s it was suggested that Mother’s Day and Father’s Day should be combined to form a Parent’s Day. Do you think this is a good idea?
 --------- This is amazing! The highest number of children born to one mother was to a woman who lived in sixteenth-century Russia. She had 69 children with her husband Feodor Vassilyev. They included sixteen pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets! 
--------- Did you know that August is the most common month for mothers to give birth to their children? 
---------- Every year, Australians spend about $1.36 billion on Mother’s Day and $660 million on Father’s Day! 
----------- If you do not have a mother, you can still use Mother’s Day to honour a special female in your life. This could be a relative, family friend, teacher or coach

★ Mother’s Day falls on the second Sunday in May and is a celebration of motherhood. ★ Mother’s Day is a day set aside to express love, respect and thanks to mothers. The day is observed by giving gifts, visiting, or taking mothers out for dinner and celebration. ★ Julia Ward Howe was the first person to suggest the observance of a Mother’s Day in 1872. The day was dedicated to peace. She held an annual meeting for several years in the city of Boston, Massachusetts for this observance. ★ In 1887, Mary Towles Sasseen, a Kentucky school teacher, began conducting Mother’s Day celebrations and in 1904, Frank E. Hering of South Bend, Indiana began a campaign for the observance of Mother’s Day. However, it wasn’t until Anna Jarvis, of West Virginia, began a nationwide campaign for its observance that the idea took root. ★ Woodrow Wilson signed a joint resolution of Congress recommending the observance of Mother’s Day by executive branches of the government on May 9, 1914. The following year, Mother’s Day was designated an annual national observance. ★ Many other countries of the world celebrate their own Mother’s Day at different times throughout the year. Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia and Belgium also celebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May, as in the U.S.

★ There are 84 million moms in the U.S. ★ There are more phone calls made on Mother’s Day than on any other day of the year. ★ Mother’s Day is the third-largest card-sending holiday. ★ Mother’s Day is the busiest day of the year for restaurants.

Love, Respect and Thanks Mother’s Day is a day dedicated to the celebration of mothers and motherhood. It is a day to express love, respect and thanks to all mothers. Write a short letter to your mom to express how you feel about her.

"Mother carries the child in her womb for nine months and in her heart for the rest of her life". 

These few words sum up the meaning and significance of the word Mother. Mother is undoubtedly the most beautiful and lovable word in any language. This goes to show the importance of mother in our lives. Mother stands for millions of things she gives to her children; it also stands for sacrifices pain, grief and sorrows which she has to undergo to keep her children happy and secure. No joy can match the joy of a mother looking at her child, those craving eyes-deeper than a whole ocean. The most important woman in an individual's life is her/his mother. Her presence affects us our entire life and she can't be replaced by anyone.

Celebrated every year, Mother's Day is an occasion when individuals express their love and respect that they have for their mother. It's time to pamper her for all she has done for us over the years. On Mother's Day you can tell your Mom that she will always be important to you all and that you will continue to love her for ever. While many countries of the world celebrate their own Mother's Day at different times throughout the year, there are some countries such as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, and Belgium which also celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday of May.


                          English Proverbs for Kids

ანდაზა ზეპირსიტყვიერების ჟანრია, ის რეალობას გონებამახვილური ფრაზით განსაზღვრავს. იუმორისტულ-სატირული ნათქვამი, რომელიც თაობიდან თაობას ზეპირად გადაეცემა, ყოველთვის რაღაცას გვასწავლის, მაგრამ მიუხედავად ანდაზის დამრიგებლური ხასიათისა, მცდარია მოსაზრება, თითქოს ანდაზა აუცილებლად ხალხური სიბრძნის ნიმუშია, ან მორალისა და ეთიკის ნორმა.
ისეთი ანდაზებიც არსებობს, როცა ისინი უმეცარ აზრს ეფუძნება, თუმცა ხალხში მყარად გავრცელებული საერთო მოსაზრებაა. სპეციალისტები ამბობენ, რომ ბავშვების აღზრდაში ანდაზების ჩართვა ახსნისა და დასაბუთების გარეშე გამართლებული არ არის.
მიუხედავად ამისა, ადამიანები ამა თუ იმ ფაქტის, მოვლენის, ამბის საპასუხოდ, ანდაზებს მეტყველებაში ხშირად იყენებენ, მაგრამ მათ ცხოვრებაში თითქმის არასდროს ითვალისწინებენ,სწორედ ეს იყო მიზეზი რომ დღევანდელი ჩვენი სასკოლო წრის თემად ანდაზები შევარჩიეთ.თავდაპირველად გავიხსენეთ  ძველი ქართული ანდაზები,შეძლებისდაგვარად პატარები შეეცადნენ გადაეთარგმნათ ის ინგლისურად,ამან შესაძლებლობა მოგვცა შეგვესწავლა სწორედ ის ახალი სიტყვები რომლებიც ყოველდღიურ სასაუბრო ინგლისურშია საჭირო.ანდაზებზე დაყრდნობით პატარები შეეცადნენ შეექმნათ მოთხრობა,ნოველა მათი სურვილის მიხედვით,გაეცნენ ცნობილ ინგლისურ ანდაზებსაც,მათ ვისაც ხატვის ნიჭი გააჩნდა შექმნეს და დაასათაურეს ანდაზებზე შექმნილი მოთხრობები.

ეგრე არ უნდა, თაყაო, შენ რომ მამული გაჰყაო.
ადრე ამდგარსა კურდღელსა, ვერ დაეწევა მწევარი.
ცუდი შემნახავი ქურდზე უარესიაო.
ავი ძაღლი არც თვითონ შეჭამს, არც სხვას აჭმევსო.
ამირან გულში მღეროდა - მთები ბანი მომეცითო.
ამღვრეულ წყალში თევზს ადვილად იჭერენო.
ან ვირი დარჩება, ან ვირის პატრონიო.
არ გათეთრდება ყორანი, რაც გინდა ხეხო ქვიშითა.
არა მკითხე მოამბეო, მიტყიპეს და მიაგდესო.
ასჯერ გაზომე და ერთხელ გაჭერიო.
აქლემის და ნემსის ქურდი, ორივე ქურდიაო.
ენას ძვალი არა აქვსო.
რაც მოგივა დავითაო, ყველა შენი თავითაო.
ერთი თხილის გული ცხრა ძმამ გაიყოო.
ერთი მერცხალი გაზაფხულს ვერ მოიყვანსო.
ერთმა ტალახიანმა ღორმა ასი ღორი გასვარაო.
ეს ქვეყანა კიბე არის: ზოგი ადის, ზოგი ჩამოდისო.
ახალი ცოცხი კარგად გვისო.
არა შეჯდა მწყერი ხესა, არა იყო გვარი მისიო.
ბავშვის პირით ჭეშმარიტება ღაღადებსო.
ბავშვს ჰკითხეს, რად სტირი, გამდის და ვტირიო
ამ ანდაზებში ზოგიერთი შეიძლება საკამათოც კი იყოს, არის თუ არა ჭკუისდასარიგებელი, მაგრამ ფაქტია, რომ თითოეულ მათგანს ადამიანები მეტყველებაში ხშირად იყენებენ.
რაც არ უნდა იყოს, ვფიქრობ, რომ ცხოვრებაში (ნებისმიერ შემთხვევაში) ამ ანდაზების გათვალისწინება სასარგებლო იქნებოდა... იქნებ ამდენი შეცდომაც არ დაგვეშვა?!

1.a short popular saying, usually of unknown and ancient origin, thatexpresses effectively some commonplace truth or useful thought;adage; saw.
a wise saying or precept; a didactic sentence.

  • An acute word cuts deeper than a sharp weapon.
  • All men can’t be masters.
  • A friend in need is friend indeed.
  • As you sow, so shall you reap?
  • A crying child gets milk.
  • A drowning man will catch a straw.
  • A good cow may have a bad calf.
  • After calm there comes a storm.
  • A good master makes a good servant.
  • All roads lead to Rome.
  • After a storm comes a calm.
  • Every rose has a thorn
  • Every cloud has a silver lining
  • Every dog has a day
  •  What are Proverbs?

    Proverbs are wise sayings. They usually:
    Are popular and memorable;
    e.g., All's well that ends well.
    Are short and to the point;
    e.g., Practice makes perfect.
    Provide wise advice;
    e.g., Slow but sure wins the race.
    Contain simple truths from experience over the years.
    e.g., Honesty is the best policy.
    Most proverbs exhibit simple rhyme and elegant balance.

    Are Proverbs different from Idioms?

    Idioms, like Proverbs, are common sayings. However, they usually do not make sense at first sight and do not offer any advice. For example, to blow one's own trumpet, which means to praise oneself or boast, is an idiom. It may be converted to a proverbial expression as follows: It is but a fool who blows his own trumpet or Don't blow your own trumpet. There is no clear dividing line between idiomatic phrases and proverbial expressions. If and when an idiomatic phrase becomes widely popular, it may be regarded a proverb, e.g., Don't put the cart before the horse.

    How can you master Proverbs?

    You can master Proverbs by attempting the associated activity for Kids in the Syvum Family Fun Zone. You will be required to fill in the missing word to complete the proverb. On clicking the "Score" button, your answers will be evaluated. You can try answering another time those questions you got incorrect. At any time, you can click the "Score and Show Answer(s)" button to evaluate your answers and view the correct answers.

There are over 400 proverbs in the Kids Proverbs Activities below.

To allow you to learn the Proverbs in a systematic manner, the Proverbs are categorized based on their starting letter (ignoring The, An and A) as given below.
View more A-B ProverbsAll work and no _______ makes Jack a dull boy.play
Birds of a _______ flock together.feather
View more C-D ProverbsCut your _______ according to your cloth.coat
Don't put all your eggs in one _______.basket
View more E-F ProverbsThe _______ bird catches the worm.early
A _______ in need is a friend indeed.friend
View more G-H ProverbsGreat _______ from little acorns grow.oaks
Health is _______.wealth
View more I-K ProverbsIt is better to _______ than to take.give
A Jack of all _______ is master of none.trades
View more L-M ProverbsLook before you _______.leap
Make _______ while the sun shines.hay
View more N-O ProverbsNecessity is the _______ of invention.mother
One good turn _______ another.deserves
View more P-S ProverbsThe proof of the _______ is in the eating.pudding
A rolling _______ gathers no moss.stone
View more T-V ProverbsA thing of _______ is a joy forever.beauty
Variety is the _______ of life.spice
View more W-Z ProverbsWaste not, _______ not.want
You cannot have the _______ and eat it too.cake

  • 1PROVERBAbsence makes the heart grow fonder
    MEANINGBeing away from someone or something for a period of time makes you appreciate that person or thing more when you see them or it again
    EXAMPLE“I used to hate going to my aunt’s house, but now I kind of miss it. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
    2PROVERBActions speak louder than words.
    MEANINGWhat you do is more important than what you say
    EXAMPLE“Don’t just tell me you’re going to change. Do it! Actions speak louder than words.”
    3PROVERBA journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
    MEANINGYou must begin something if you hope to finish it; something that takes a long time to finish begins with one step
    EXAMPLE“If you want to lose weight, you need to stop eating junk, and you need to start exercising. Today. Not tomorrow. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
    4PROVERBAll good things must come to an end
    MEANINGEverything ends; good times don’t last forever
    EXAMPLE“I wish this vacation would go on forever. It’s too bad that all good things must come to an end.”
    5PROVERBA picture is worth a thousand words
    MEANINGAn image can tell a story better than words
    EXAMPLE“I wasn’t sure that he loved her, but then I saw them hugging at the airport. A picture is worth a thousand words.”
    6PROVERBA watched pot never boils
    MEANINGIf something takes time to do, it doesn’t help to constantly check on it. You just have to give it time.
    EXAMPLE“I know you think he’s going to be a great guitar player one day, but stop criticizing him so much. He just started taking lessons two weeks ago! A watched pot never boils.”
    7PROVERBBeggars can’t be choosers
    MEANINGIf you’re in a bad situation and someone offers to help you, you have to take whatever they give you and shouldn’t ask for more
    EXAMPLE“I was unemployed, and they offered me a job cleaning prison toilets. I didn’t like the job, but I accepted it. Beggars can’t be choosers.”
    8PROVERBBeauty is in the eye of the beholder
    MEANINGWhat is “beautiful” is different for each person
    EXAMPLE“I think their house is ugly, but they seem to like it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”
    9PROVERBBetter late than never
    MEANINGIt’s better to finish something late than to never do it at all
    EXAMPLE“Hello, Mr. Jameson. Here is my final essay. Better late than never, right?”
    10PROVERBBirds of a feather flock together
    MEANINGPeople who are similar spend time together
    EXAMPLE“I think we all started hanging out because we all liked anime. Birds of a feather flock together.”
    11PROVERBCleanliness is next to godliness
    MEANINGIt’s good to be clean. God is clean, and you should be too.
    EXAMPLE“Go take a shower before your date. You know what they say; cleanliness is next to godliness.”
    12PROVERBDon’t bite the hand that feeds you
    MEANINGDon’t make someone angry or hurt someone who is helping you or paying for you
    EXAMPLE“You had a fight with your boss? Are you stupid? Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.”
    13PROVERBDon’t count your chickens before they hatch.
    MEANINGDon’t expect a positive result before you actually see it
    EXAMPLEA: “This idea is going to make me millions of dollars!”
    B: “Whoa. Let’s slow down. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.”
    14PROVERBDon’t judge a book by its cover
    MEANINGDon’t judge someone or something by appearance alone
    EXAMPLE“Racism is still a problem today, and it will continue to be that way until we learn not to judge a book by its cover.”
    15PROVERBDon’t put all of your eggs in one basket
    MEANINGDon’t put all of your hopes and resources into one goal or dream
    EXAMPLE“I know you really want to be an actor, but don’t you think you’re being financially irresponsible? Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.”
    16PROVERBDon’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today
    MEANINGIf you can do something today, do it. Don’t wait until tomorrow; don’t procrastinate.
    EXAMPLE“You have 6 hours of free time now. You should start on that final psychology assignment. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”
    17PROVERBDon’t put too many irons in the fire
    MEANINGDon’t try to do too many things at the same time; focus on one thing at a time
    EXAMPLE“No wonder you’re exhausted. You’re trying to work 4 jobs at the same time! You have too many irons in the fire right now.”
    18PROVERBEasy come, easy go
    MEANINGWhen you make money quickly, it’s very easy to lose it quickly as well
    EXAMPLE“I won $200 at the casino, and then I spent it on a very expensive meal for me and some friends. Easy come, easy go.”
    19PROVERBFortune favors the bold
    MEANINGPeople who are brave and who take risks are more successful than people who are do things safely all the time
    EXAMPLE“It’s a risk, but the reward could be great. I say you go for it. Fortune favors the bold.”
    20PROVERBGod helps those who help themselves
    MEANINGDon’t just wait for good things to happen to you. Work hard to make them happen
    EXAMPLE“If you want a better life, you can’t just sit on your butt thinking about it. You have to work to make it happen. God helps those who help themselves.”
    21PROVERBGood things come to those who wait
    MEANINGIf you are patient, good things can happen
    EXAMPLE“I know you’re hungry, but stop being so impatient. We just ordered our food. Good things come to those who wait.”
    22PROVERBHonesty is the best policy
    MEANINGIt’s always better to tell the truth than it is to lie
    EXAMPLE“If you want people to trust you, you need to be honest with them. Honesty is the best policy.”
    23PROVERBHope for the best, prepare for the worst
    MEANINGIn any situation, be optimistic about the result, but always be ready for the worst outcome
    EXAMPLE“We’re going on vacation next week. It’s supposed to rain a lot, so we’re bringing our umbrellas and a bunch of board games. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.”
    24PROVERBIf it ain’t broke, don’t fix it
    MEANINGIf something is already working well, don’t try to change it or improve it
    EXAMPLE“Why are you trying to upgrade your PC again? It was working fine before. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
    25PROVERBIf you can’t beat ’em, join ’em
    MEANINGIf you can’t change someone’s behavior or opinion, sometimes it’s better or easier to do what they want to do
    EXAMPLE“I told Mark that we needed to study, but he kept playing video games. Eventually I gave up and just played video games too. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.”
    26PROVERBIf you play with fire, you’ll get burned
    MEANINGIf you get involved in something dangerous or beyond your abilities, you will probably experience negative consequences
    EXAMPLE“Don’t make him angry. If you play with fire, you’ll get burned.”
    27PROVERBIf you want something done right, you have to do it yourself
    MEANINGDon’t depend on someone else to do a good job; do it yourself
    EXAMPLE“I asked my roommate to wash the dishes, but they ended up super filthy! I guess it’s true what they say: if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.”
    28PROVERBKeep your friends close, and your enemies closer
    MEANINGIf someone is your enemy, treat them like a friend so you can be ready if they ever try to betray you
    EXAMPLE“We don’t trust each other, but we have to be nice to each other because we work for the same company. I’m worried about him stealing my promotion, so I’m going to keep being nice to him. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer, and all that.”
    29PROVERBKnowledge is power
    MEANINGThe more you know, the more powerful you can be in different areas of your life
    EXAMPLE“When we were kids, our parents taught us how to swim. That knowledge helped me to save my cousin’s life when he was 5 years old. Knowledge is power.”
    30PROVERBLaughter is the best medicine.
    MEANINGWhen you’re in a difficult situation, laughing can make it easier to get through that situation
    EXAMPLE“I’m sorry to hear about your dog. Want to watch a funny movie? Sometimes, laughter is the best medicine.”
    31PROVERBLike father, like son
    MEANINGSaid when a son is similar to his father; also, “Like mother, like daughter”
    EXAMPLE“Ryan started playing hockey at a very young age. He’s just like his dad. Like father, like son.”
    32PROVERBNo man is an island
    MEANINGNo one is truly capable of living alone. We need human connection to be healthy
    EXAMPLE“You can’t just abandon your friends and family. No man is an island.”
    33PROVERBPeople who live in glass houses should not throw stones
    MEANINGDon’t criticize someone if you’re not perfect either; don’t be a hyprocrite
    EXAMPLE“Why are you always bothering her about being addicted to her phone? You’ve been smoking for 20 years and haven’t been able to give it up. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.”
    34PROVERBPractice makes perfect
    MEANINGThe more you do something, the better you will become at it
    EXAMPLE“Don’t give up on learning the violin. Practice makes perfect.”
    35PROVERBThe early bird gets the worm
    MEANINGPeople who wake up early or who get to places early have a better chance of success
    EXAMPLE“I got to the ticket office before anyone else. I got front row seats to the show! The early bird gets the worm.”
    36PROVERBThe enemy of my enemy is my friend
    MEANINGIf someone whom I don’t like doesn’t like someone else whom I don’t like, we can act like friends and unite against the other person (common in war)
    EXAMPLE“I don’t like you, you don’t like me. But I think we can agree that we both HATE Daniel. Let’s work together and get him fired! The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?”
    37PROVERBThe grass is always greener on the other side
    MEANINGPeople always want what they don’t have
    EXAMPLEA: “I’m jealous of all the free time my single friends have.”
    B: “Yeah, but your friends are probably jealous of you too in some ways. The grass is always greener on the other side.”
    38PROVERBThe pen is mightier than the sword
    MEANINGIf you’re trying to convince someone of something, words and ideas are stronger than using physical force (common in politics)
    EXAMPLE“We must avoid this war and use diplomacy to solve our problems. The pen is mightier than the sword.”
    39PROVERBThere is no place like home
    MEANINGYour home is the most comfortable place in the world
    EXAMPLE“What a tiring vacation! I’m glad to be back in my own bed again. There’s no place like home.”
    40PROVERBThere is no such thing as a free lunch.
    MEANINGNothing is free. Even the things that are free have a hidden cost
    EXAMPLE“His bank gave him $50 for free, but he had to commit to opening a credit card account. There’s no such thing as a free lunch.”
    41PROVERBThere is no time like the present
    MEANINGDon’t wait to do something. Do it now.
    EXAMPLE“Why don’t you stop talking about needing to call your mom? Just CALL her! There is no time like the present.”
    42PROVERBThe squeaky wheel gets the grease
    MEANINGThe person who complains in a situation is more likely to get something.
    EXAMPLEA: “I just don’t understand why she’s received so many promotions, and I’m still at the bottom of the company!”
    B: “She complains a lot. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”
    43PROVERBTime is money
    MEANINGDon’t waste your time or other people’s time; also, if you can use your time to make money in some way, you should do that.
    EXAMPLE“Hurry up! Time is money!”
    44PROVERBTwo heads are better than one
    MEANINGIt’s easier to do something as a team than by yourself
    EXAMPLE“I’m stuck on this project. Can you help me out? Two heads are better than one.”
    45PROVERBTwo wrongs don’t make a right
    MEANINGTrying to get revenge on someone who has hurt you will only make things worse
    EXAMPLE“I know she made you angry, but did you have to steal her phone? Two wrongs don’t make a right.”
    46PROVERBWhen in Rome, do as the Romans do
    MEANINGWhen you are in a new place or situation, try to act like the majority of people in that place or situation.
    EXAMPLEA: “You’ve been eating a lot of bread and cheese on this Paris vacation.”
    B: “Hey, when in Rome.”
    47PROVERBWhen the going gets tough, the tough get going
    MEANINGWhen a situation becomes difficult, strong people don’t give up; they work harder
    EXAMPLE“My great grandfather survived the Great Depression. You know the phrase, ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going?’ That was my great grandfather.”
    48PROVERBWhere there’s smoke, there’s fire
    MEANINGIf something seems wrong, it probably is; also, there is usually some truth to a rumor
    EXAMPLE“Matilda came to school with a black eye today. She cried when I asked her about it after class and didn’t want to say anything about her parents. I don’t want to speculate too much, but where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire.”
    49PROVERBYou can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink it
    MEANINGYou can try to help someone by giving good advice, but you can’t force them to accept it or follow it
    EXAMPLE“She tried to help her brother find a job by improving his resume, but he didn’t do anything with it. I guess you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink it.”
    50PROVERBYou can’t always get what you want
    MEANINGDon’t complain if you don’t get what you want
    EXAMPLEA: I really wanted to see that movie, but I didn’t have enough money last week
    B: It happens. You can’t always get what you want, right?


My favourite fairy tale

ზღაპარი — პოეტური გამონაგონი, ფანტასტიკურ ამბავზე აგებული თხრობითი ნაწარმოები, რომელიც დაკავშირებულია სინამდვილესთან იდეით, თემატიკით, მოტივებით, სიუჟეტით, ენობრივი თავისებურებით, ეროვნული კოლორიტით. ზღაპარი არის პროზაულიც და ლექსიც. იგი ეპოსის ერთ-ერთი ჟანრია, მას უახლოვდება თქმულება.
ლიტერატურული ზღაპარი _ ესაა კონკრეტული ავტორის მიერ შექმნილი მხატვრული ნაწარმოები, რომელიც ზოგჯერ ხალხურ წყაროებს ეყრდნობა, ზოგჯერ კი ორიგინალურია. ეს ნაწარმოები აღწერს პერსონაჟთა ფანტასტიკურ, ჯადოსნურ თავგადასავალს. ლიტერატურული ზღაპარი შეიძლება შექმნილი იყოს როგორც ბავშვებისათვის, ისე უფროსებისთვისაც.დღევანდელი ჩვენი შეხვედრის თემა ზღაპარია-ყველასათვის საყვარელი თემა.პატარებმა წაიკითხეს და ვიდეო მასალაზე დაყრდნობით გაეცნენ ზღაპრის გმირებს.განასხვავეს დადებითი და უარყოფითი პერსონაჟები.მთავარი და მეორეხარისხოვანი მოქმედი გმირები.შეუსაბამეს თითოეულ პერსონაჟს უკვე ნასწავლი ანდაზა.განახორხიელეს პროექტი ჩემი საყვარელი ზღაპარი და ზღაპრის გმირი

Who is your favourite fairy-tale character?--------------------From wicked step-mothers to fairy god-mothers, from stock phrases such as “once upon a time” to “happily ever after”, fairy-tales permeate our culture. Disney blockbusters have recently added another chapter to the history of the fairy-tale, sitting alongside the 19th century, saccharine tales published by the Brothers Grimm and the 17th century stories written by Charles Perrault. Inspired by Marina Warner’s Once Upon a Timewe asked our  members to channel their inner witches, trolls, and princesses, and reveal who their favourite fairy-tale character is and why. Do you agree with the choices below? Who would you choose?

“The outlook is not promising for my favourite fairy-tale character, Kai, towards the end of Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen. With splinters from the troll’s mirror in his eye and his heart (that have turned him evil), Kai is a prisoner of the Snow Queen being forced to spell out the word ‘eternity’ using pieces of ice, in the manner of a Chinese puzzle. And he does it all for the childish promise of a pair of skates. Knowing the author’s penchant for unhappy, complicated endings, I was greatly relieved when the story ends with Kai’s childhood love Gerda coming to the rescue!”----------------Qeta Mushkudiani

“Though I have many favorite characters, the one that has been consistent throughout my life is Ariel/The Little Mermaid. I have always been fascinated by the ocean so her story stood out amongst the other fairy-tales when I was growing up. I admire her ability to recognize what she wants, and her courage to change her circumstances, no matter the consequences. She is curious and always seeks out new experiences, which I relate to. Ariel’s story reminds us to question our surroundings and create adventurous lives.”--------------Anna Makhatadze

“My favourite fairy-tale character is one I can’t actually pronounce: Snegurochka. For those who don’t speak Russian – and I modestly include myself among that number – Snegurochka (or Snegurka) is known in English as The Snow Maiden. It’s about a girl made of snow, by a poor, childless couple, who unexpectedly comes to life. Most versions of the story end relatively tragically, but I love the mixture of fantasy and real life. It’s very poignant, and lends itself to many different retellings.”--------------Anna 

“I have always been a fan of the Brothers Grimm fairy-tale Snow White and Rose Red. Since one sister shares a name with the other fairy tale princess, I think these young ladies often are overlooked. I love that they are brave enough to be generous and kind even to those who are different or intimidating. And someone who is ungrateful for their help gets eaten by a bear—a good lesson for us all-------------Akaki 

“Peter Pan because he is selfish and charming, earthly and ethereal, vulnerable and bold; he boasts “Oh, the cleverness of me!” and also fearlessly announces “To die would be an awfully big adventure”. He inhabits a dream-world and delights in enticing us to join him; to leave off adulthood and rekindle our childhood spirit & imagination.”-----------Jaba Makhatadze

My favourite fairy-tale character is the old shoemaker, who worked very hard and was very honest, but who couldn’t earn enough to feed his family. He unknowingly receives the help of the nocturnal elves, who themselves have nothing, not even clothes on their backs, but who work all night to turn leather into beautifully crafted shoes. The eventually success of the old shoemaker did not change him and he repaid the elves kindness with Christmas presents of fancy shirts, bright pantaloons, and teeny tiny clogs, and the elves went away happy and dancing. A lovely lesson not to forget those who helped us get where we are. It also reminds me of what parents say when they’ve performed a thankless task, “the elves must have done it!”. Perhaps it’s really a hint that they deserve a nice present at Christmas!----------------Nika 

Princes Rose and the Golden Bird

Many, many years ago, in a kingdom far, far away there lived a beautiful princes. She had long red hair and loved roses so much that everyone called her Princes Rose. Every evening after dusk, Princes Rose went out on the balcony and clapped her hands. A golden bird came flying out of nowhere and alighted on her shoulder. Instantly, the princess's hair began to shine, ablaze with brilliant red light.
When the bird started to warble an enchanting tune, Princess Rose joined it in a song, and everyone in the kingdom fell asleep and had sweet dreams till the break of dawn.

Picture 1

Thus passed the years. Every evening Princess Rose, along with the little golden bird, sang a loving lullaby, so that all people fell asleep and had sweet dreams till the break of dawn.

Picture 2

Until one day something terrible happened. A wicked witch learned about Princess Rose and decided to curse her. "Abracadabra, Sim-Sala-Bim, may the rose's color dim!" the witch said, and Princess Rose's hair instantly turned as black as tar.
Picture 3

That evening, too, Princess Rose went out on her balcony and clapped her hands. But when the golden bird appeared, her hair glowed black instead of red. The bird warbled its enchanting melody, and Princess Rose sang her lullaby.
Everyone in the kingdom fell asleep, but that night they only had bad dreams and nightmares.
On the following day, the saddened princess asked the bird, "Tell me, golden bird, how can I make my people's dreams so sweet again till the break of dawn?"
"Black hair in rose water," the bird chirped in reply.
The princess wondered at this counsel, but abided by it, nevertheless.         

Picture 4

She filled up a basin with water and sprinkled rose petals on its surface. Then, she dipped her hair into the rose water, and it instantly turned red again.

Picture 5

That evening, when the bird perched on her shoulder, the radiant red glow of her hair lit up the night sky once more. The Princess sang her lullaby, and everyone in the kingdom fell asleep and had sweet dreams till the break of dawn.

Picture 6

The wicked witch was so very angry that her curse had been broken that she decided to cast it again.
"Abracadabra, Sim-Sala-Bim, may the rose's color dim!" And the princess's hair turned as black as tar again.
Only this time the witch also picked up all of the rose blooms in the entire kingdom.
"Let's see how you'll break my curse now!" she sneered, filled with rage.
Picture 7

Once again, the saddened princess asked the bird, "Tell me, golden bird, how can I make my people's dreams so sweet again till the break of dawn?"
"Black hair in rose water," the bird chirped in reply.
"But where should I find a rose?"
"Black hair in rose water," the bird chirped and flew away.

Picture 8

The princess didn't know what to do. So great was her anguish that her eyes filled with tears, one of them falling to the ground below. At that very moment, a young and handsome prince, who had stopped under the balcony of the princess, took out a little box and a single red hair from within it.

Picture 9

He bent down and placed the hair atop the princess's tear. And then, a miracle happened. Suddenly, the red hair turned into a red rose.
Picture 10

The prince picked the rose and took it up to the princess. Upon seeing the rose, she immediately brushed off her tears and plucked its petals to add to the water in the basin. Then, she dipped in her hair, and the curse was broken. Everyone gasped in astonishment, and the King asked the prince, "Young man, where did you find that red hair?"
"When the princess and I were both children, I picked a single strand of hair from her head as a sign of my loyalty to her. And she did the same to me, pulling out a strand of my own hair."
"It's true, father," the princess confirmed and took out  a little box. She opened it to reveal a single hair from the prince's head inside.

Picture 11

Everyone was delighted with this news. The prince and Princess Rose got married on that very same day.

Picture 12

Upon learning that her curse had been broken again, the wicked witch's evilness swelled so much that she exploded into a thousand tiny pieces. Eventually, rose blooms sprang up in every garden in the kingdom once again. And so it went: each evening Princess Rose sang her loving lullaby, so that all people fell asleep and had sweet dreams till the break of dawn.

The Ugly Duckling

The story of a small duckling whom everyone thought to be ugly, before it grew up to be something else

Once upon a time down on an old farm, lived a duck family, and Mother Duck had been sitting on a clutch of new eggs. One nice morning, the eggs hatched and out popped six chirpy ducklings. But one egg was bigger than the rest, and it didn't hatch. Mother Duck couldn't recall laying that seventh egg. How did it get there? TOCK! TOCK! The little prisoner was pecking inside his shell. 
image: http://www.kidsgen.com/fables_and_fairytales/images/fairy080.jpg
The Ugly Duckling"Did I count the eggs wrongly?" Mother Duck wondered. But before she had time to think about it, the last egg finally hatched. A strange looking duckling with gray feathers that should have been yellow gazed at a worried mother. The ducklings grew quickly, but Mother Duck had a secret worry. 

"I can't understand how this ugly duckling can be one of mine!" she said to herself, shaking her head as she looked at her last born. Well, the gray duckling certainly wasn't pretty, and since he ate far more than his brothers, he was outgrowing them. As the days went by, the poor ugly duckling became more and more unhappy. His brothers didn't want to play with him, he was so 
clumsy, and all the farmyard folks simply laughed at him. He felt sad and lonely, while Mother Duck did her best to console him. 

"Poor little ugly duckling!" she would say. "Why are you so different from the others?" And the ugly duckling felt worse than ever. He secretly wept at night. He felt nobody wanted him. 

"Nobody loves me, they all tease me! Why am I different from my brothers?" 

Then one day, at sunrise, he ran away from the farmyard. He stopped at a pond and began to question all the other birds. "Do you know of any ducklings with gray feathers like mine?" But everyone shook their heads in scorn. 

"We don't know anyone as ugly as you." The ugly duckling did not lose heart, however, and kept on making inquiries. He went to another pond, where a pair of large geese gave him the same answer to his question. What's more, they warned him: "Don't stay here! Go away! It's dangerous. There are men with guns around here!" The duckling was sorry he had ever left the farmyard. 

Then one day, his travels took him near an old countrywoman's cottage. Thinking he was a stray goose, she caught him. 

"I'll put this in a hutch. I hope it's a female and lays plenty of eggs!" said the old woman, whose eyesight was poor. But the ugly duckling laid not a single egg. The hen kept frightening him. 

"Just wait! If you don't lay eggs, the old woman will wring your neck and pop you into the pot!" And the cat chipped in: "Hee! Hee! I hope the woman cooks you, then I can gnaw at your bones!" The poor ugly duckling was so scared that he lost his appetite, though the old woman kept stuffing him with food and grumbling: "If you won't lay eggs, at least hurry up and get plump!" 

"Oh, dear me!" moaned the now terrified duckling. "I'll die of fright first! And I did so hope someone would love me!" 

Then one night, finding the hutch door ajar, he escaped. Once again he was all alone. He fled as far away as he could, and at dawn, he found himself in a thick bed of reeds. "If nobody wants me, I'll hid here forever." There was plenty a food, and the duckling began to feel a little happier, though he was lonely. One day at sunrise, he saw a flight of beautiful birds wing overhead. White, with long slender necks, yellow beaks and large wings, they were migrating south. 

"If only I could look like them, just for a day!" said the duckling, admiringly. Winter came and the water in the reed bed froze. The poor duckling left home to seek food in the snow. He dropped exhausted to the ground, but a farmer found him and put him in his big jacket pocket. 

"I'll take him home to my children. They'll look after him. Poor thing, he's frozen!" The duckling was showered with kindly care at the farmer's house. In this way, the ugly duckling was able to survive the bitterly cold winter. 

However, by springtime, he had grown so big that the farmer decided: "I'll set him free by the pond!" That was when the duckling saw himself mirrored in the water. 

"Goodness! How I've changed! I hardly recognize myself!" The flight of swans winged north again and glided on to the pond. When the duckling saw them, he realized he was one of their kind, and soon made friends. 

"We're swans like you!" they said, warmly. "Where have you been hiding?" 

"It's a long story," replied the young swan, still astounded. Now, he swam majestically with his fellow swans. One day, he heard children on the river bank exclaim: "Look at that young swan! He's the finest of them all!"

And he almost burst with happiness.http://youtube.com/watch?v=BVeeWuBpkhY

My Favorite Fairy Tale Character

My favorite fairy tale character is the ugly little duck from Hans Christian Anderson’s fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling”, which is quite an unusual fairy tale because most of the very popular fairy tales have human main characters but this tale doesn’t. However, the reason I like it so much is that the poor ugly duckling has problems that people are able to relate to and it teaches us a very important message.
You just can’t help but fall in love with a baby duckling, an animal we all consider to be very cute. But then when his family is mean to him because he’s ugly we just feel very sad and extremely sorry for him. Anyone who had ever been bullied can understand exactly how the duckling is feeling and we can’t help but identify with him and want him to be happy.
As he leaves home because his family is so cruel, we feel even more sorry for him and can’t help but wish he could fit in with his family. He finds a home with an old woman, but her cat is very nasty to him and he can’t be happy there either, so now he feels even worse and he’s so do we because being picked on by somebody so much bigger than him, and has to leave his new home as well, when all he wants to fit in. The hopelessness that he feels after he is frightened out of his third home is just heart-breaking and so it’s impossible not to love the little duckling and feel for him as he spends a long, cold winter alone.
He is also an admirable character though, because despite the fact that he is all alone in the world, he keeps on going and manages to survive against all the odds, because he’s only a baby. Then, when he is accepted by the swans and discovers that he is one of them, we can’t help but share all of his happiness.
The reason that he is my favorite fairy tale character and this is my favorite is that I feel like I can relate to him, and many other people can too. At times we can all feel ugly, or perhaps that we’re not very good at something or don’t fit in, and the ugly duckling epitomizes this feeling. The moral of the story is essentially that although he may not be like the others around him, being different does not make him ugly, and when his brothers and sisters grow up to be brown and dull, he will be stunning and bright white. The ugly duckling is a character that may be different from everyone else but is actually the most beautiful of all.


My best friend

მეგობარი ეს არის ადამიანი რომელმაც იცის ყველაფერი შენს შესახებ, 
იცის თუ როგორი ხარ შენ, რა ცუდი ჩვევები გახასიათებს, ვინ გიყვარს, 
ვინ მოგწონს და ა.შ..ერთი სიტყვით შენ საუკეთესო მეგობარი შენი
მეორე მეა.თუ ორ ადამიანს ერთმანეთის ესმით, ესეიგი მათ შეუძლიათ...
გაგება და ურთიერთსიყვარული, სხვაგვარად მეგობრობა წარმოუდგენალია
მეგობრობა ეს ისეთი რამეა რისი ხელიდან გაშვება არ შეიძლებa... ცუდი მეგობარი არ არსებობს, იგი შენს ჩრდილს გავს, რომელიც მზიან ამინდში სულთან დაგყვება, ღრუბლიანში კი ვერსად იპოვი. ძნელი არაა მეგობრისთვის სიკვდილი, მაგრამ ძნელია ისეთი მეგობრის პოვნა ვისთვისაც ღირს სიკვდილი.. ჩვენ ადამიანები ვართ და ადამიანს ყველაზე მეტად სჭირდება ადამიანი, რომელიც გვერდში ამოუდგება, ამიტომ ბედნიერია ის, ვისაც ცხოვრებაში ნამდივილი მეგობარი უპოვნია…:) იმდენად მეგობრები არ გვიშველიან, რამდენადაც იმის რწმენა, რომ ისინი გვიშველიან.!!

რას ნიშნავს ჩემითვის მეგობრობა??
ჩემითვის მეგობრობა ყველაზე მნიშვნელოვანია, ძალიან მიყვარს ისინი“შემიძლია მათ გამო თავიც გავწირო….მოკლედ ერთი სიყვით ვიტყი მეგობრობა ყველას და ყველაფერს მირჩევნიაა!!! მეგობარზე ძვირფასი ამ ქვეყნად არაფერია მეგობრების გარეშე არაფერი ვიქნებოდი ისინი ჩემი ცხოვრების დიდ ნაწილს ჩემთან ერთად ატარებენ ვერც კი წარმომდგენია მათ გარეშე რას ვიზამდი ყველა ძალიან მიყვარს და ყველას ძალიან ვაფასებ !! მხოლოდ მათთან არ მჭირდება ნიღაბი ! მხოლოდ მათთან ვარ ის რაც ვარ ! მოკლედ ბევრი რომ აღარ დავწერო .. …ამ სიტყვებით ყველაფერი ნათქვამია .
.სიყვარული ეკითხება მეგობრობას: – რატომ ხარ სამყაროში საჭირო შენ როცა ვარსებობ მე?
მეგობრობა პასუხობს: – რომ დავტოვო ღიმილი იქ, სადაც შენ ტოვებ ცრემლს…
მეგობრობა – ერთმანეთის დაუსრულებელი აღიარება მგონია. მსგავსად სიყვარულისა, მისთვის ერთი სიტყვაც, ერთი შეხებაც კმარა. განშორება კი დანაკარგია, რომლის მერეც სინანულის ყრუ ტკივილი დაგყვება უკან ^___^
.მეგობრობა — ქცევა, რომელიც ვლინდება ურთიერთგაგებითა და მხარდაჭერით პიროვნებებს შორის. ის მოიცავს ურთიერთობას ადამიანთა შორის, რომელთაც გააჩნიათ საერთო ცოდნა, ინტერესი, გატაცება..
ჭეშმარიტი ბედნიერება მეგობრების რაოდენობაში კი არაა, არამედ მათ სწორად შერჩევაში მეგობრობას ხან დიდი ხნის ნაცნობობა ბადებს, ხან კი- სულ ერთი ღიმილი. მასზე ძვირფასი განძი არც არსებობს- სიყვარულს თუ არ ჩავთვლით და სიყვარულიც მაშინაა ნამდვილი, თუ მეგობრობა უდევს საფუძვლად …

დღევანდელი ჩვენი შეხვედრის მთავარი თემაა- მეგობრობა ,ჩემი საუკეთესო მეგობარი.პატარები გაეცნობიან და წაიკითხავენ ადაპტირებულ ნოველებს მეგობრობაზე,თუ რა და რა  სახის შეიძლება არსებობდეს მეგობრობა,რას ნისნავს ჭეშმარიტი მეგობარი,უყურებენ ვიდეო მასალას,იმსჯელებენ მასზე,შეასრულებენ სახალისო და საინტერესო აქტივობებს, მისწერენ წერილს მათ საუკეთესო მეგობარს.

Friendship is having a good relationship with someone, who we call a friend. People in a friendship have respect and affection for each other. A friendship is different from a romantic relationship; friends do not necessarily love each other romantically.
A friend is a person that someone likes or knows. People who are friends talk to each other and spend time together. They also help each other when they are in trouble or are hurt. Friends are people that can be looked up to and trusted. Sometimes people can't tell their secrets to their parents so they tell it to their friends. Usually friends have similar interests. A friend is one who admires a person's skill and helps or encourages them to make the right choices.

The strength of the bond of friendship between two people can vary. If the bond is very strong, they are called best friends. This can usually be achieved by possessing the elements of friendship, by being kind, generous, loyal, honest and by having fun. With these qualities you can truly enjoy the bliss of friendship. There are expectations, demands and complaints in friendship too. Some people say these should not be there in friendship. But two people interact in this world only when there are expectations. Friends can help you materialistically and morally. But if they don't match with your expectations, it doesn't mean you will break the friendship. This is what is different in friendship as compared to love relationship between two couples. Its all about understanding, realizing and helping whenever possible.

Have you got a best friend? What is she or he like? When and where did you meet? Why do you get on so well? Do you ever have arguments? Tell us about your best friend.

Your Turn: Best Friends

Friendship - for kids

Everybody needs friends. You can feel very sad and lonely if you don't have someone to play with and be with - it happens to everybody sometimes.  Here are some ideas to help you in making friends and keeping friends. Having friends is also about how to be a friend and how to be a friend to yourself!

What is friendship?

  • Spending time together.
  • Sharing ideas and treats.
  • Having fun.
  • Respecting each other's differences.
  • Loyalty, sticking up for each other.
  • Caring for each other's safety and wellbeing.
  • Both of you working on the skills to keep your friendship going.

Who am I?

Start by asking yourself some questions. If you like yourself, others will probably like you too.
  • Am I a friendly person?
  • Am I a positive person who looks forward to each day?
  • Am I a good listener?
  • What am I good at?
  • What do I like to do in my spare time?
  • What do I like about my looks?
  • Do I like myself?
You will have times when you mess up or feel ashamed about things you may have said or done, but you're still OK as a person - believe it or not that happens to everyone, even parents and teachers!
If you are feeling sad and can't seem to find things that you like about yourself, here is something you can do.
  • Print out the sheet at the end of this topic and ask people like mum, dad, grandma, your teacher, family friends or your friends to fill it in with you.
  • Or talk to a trusted adult about how you feel.
If someone doesn't like you don't worry - you can't expect everyone to like you. After all, you don't like everyone either, do you?
You can show what a nice person you are by always being pleasant and good mannered - even to people you don't like.

Friendship skills

How to be a friend!
  • friendsTalk - be interesting, keep up with what's going on around you, eg TV, sports, music, shared interests - so that you have something to talk about.
  • Share the conversation, so that you each get a chance to be listeners and talkers.
  • Listen to what your friends are saying and ask questions about it.
  • Praise your friends when they do something well.
  • Use your manners - say please and thank you. Friends like to be pleasant to each other.
  • Think of yourself as being a friendly person, look friendly and be friendly - and others will find you friendly.
  • Be helpful - do things for your friends without keeping a score on who's done the most favours.
  • Give back things you have used or borrowed from each other (this is a good idea for brothers and sisters, too).
  • friendsBe aware of others' feelings - think before you speak. (Sometimes it is a good idea to keep your thoughts to yourself rather than upset people's feelings.)
  • Handle conflict - by being clear about what you want and how you will compromise.
  • Share your time with other friends.
  • Be honest about your feelings, eg. "I don't think this is a good idea because…" But don't always try to be the leader - try out other people's ideas.
  • Try to understand people by thinking about things from their point of view.
  • Don't argue and get upset if your friend doesn't agree with you about something. That's O.K. She has the right to an opinion too.
Things you should try not to do:
  • Don't brag about what you've got or done.
  • No put downs - you wouldn't like it if someone did this to you.
  • No prejudice - don't make comments about country, colour, religion or physical appearance. "If you can't find anything nice to say about someone, say nothing," is a good motto for everybody.
  • Don't take over - let others tell their own jokes and news.
  • Don't fight your friends' battles. You can support your friends by helping them to deal with their problems:
    • Be a good listener
    • Help them to stay safe.
    • Encourage them to try.
    • Be there when they need you to be.
    • Help them to make good choices.
    • Encourage them to look for help from trusted adults.
  • Don't talk about them without their permission.
You are a unique (only one like you) person with lots of different sides to your character, so you can have different friends who share your different interests, eg friends at school, in your street, in sport clubs, at church, in your family, etc.
It's good to have a best friend but it's good to have other friends too.

What makes a good friend? 

  • Having equal shares, not one always the leader and the other following.
  • Having lots of fun together (if not, you'd better look for another friend!)
  • Both of you working at keeping the friendship.Giving each other some space.
  • Even best friends need some time to be alone or with other friends, so don't try to 'own' each other.
  • Respecting each other's differences.
  • Feeling safe talking to each other about your feelings and problems.
  • Trusting each other and looking out for each other.
  • Not sharing their secrets. (If your friend tells you that he or she is 'unsafe', encourage them to tell a trusted adult.)
Being 'popular', and having real friends, is not always the same thing.
Most adults would think themselves really lucky to have one true friend - someone they can trust and rely on for their help and support when they need it. Real friendship lasts through good times and bad times.
Remember: Good friends can play with other people sometimes and still be friends.

Being your own best friend

faceYou can be your own best friend.
Sounds weird?
Think about it.
Who are you with all the time? Yourself.
So, take some time to really get to know yourself.

What kids say 

This is what some children have written about their friends:
Friends are always nice to each other.
Respect your friends and they'll respect you.
I like friends a lot.
Encourage one another to be good.
Nice people are usually good people to be your friends.
Deserting your friends is very unkind.
Sticking up for one another is what good friends do.
By Matthew
"I like my friend James because he is funny, he shares with me and he is kind."
Phillip, age 7.
"I like making friends by helping them and sharing with them."
Evan, age 6.
"My best friend is Jessica, because she likes me."
Emma, age 6.
"My friends are Emily, Kendall and Erin. They are kind, friendly, they share, they like me and they play with me."
Susie, age 8.
"I like Basty because he is nice, he shares, he's funny and he makes good remarks."
"I like Kim because we both like riding and talking about horses." 
Becky, aged 11.
What do you like about your friends?friendsWhat do they like about you?

Dr Kate and Dr Kim say

Dr Kate and Dr Kim
"It's good to share the good times and the bad times with friends. You can have different friends who share your different interests. Best friends are special. Most people would say that they are friendly with lots of people but they only have a few close friends, even when they are grown up."


The Children's Day

ბავშვთა დაცვის დღე, რომელიც 1 ივნისს აღინიშნება, ერთ-ერთი ყველაზე ხნოვანი საერთაშორისო დღესასწაულია, მას მთელ მსოფლიოში 1950 წლიდან აღნიშნავენ.ბავშვთა დაცვის საერთაშორისო დღის მთელს მსოფლიოში აღნიშვნის გადაწყვეტილება, 1949 წლის ნოემბერში, ქალთა საერთაშორისო დემოკრატიული ფედერაციის მიერ სპეციალურ სესიაზე იქნა მიღებული. გაერომ ამ ინიციატივას მხარი დაუჭირა და ბავშვთა უფლებების, სიცოცხლისა და ჯანმრთელობის დაცვა თავისი საქმიანობის ერთ-ერთ პრიორიტეტულ მიმართულებად გამოაცხადა.
ისტორიაში ცალსახად არაა მოცემული თუ რატომ აღინიშნება ეს დღე მაინცდამაინც 1 ივნისს, მაგრამ ერთ-ერთი ვერსიით 1925 წელს ჩინეთის გენერალურმა კონსულმა სან-ფრანცისკოში თავი მოუყარა უპატრონო ჩინელ ბავშვებს და მოუწყო დღესასწაული.  ეს 1 ივნისს მოხდა, ზუსტად მაშინ როცა ჟენევაში იმართებოდა ბავშვების თემატიკისადმი მიძღვნილი კონფერენცია. 
ბავშვთა საერთაშორისო დღეს თავისი სომბოლური დროშა გააჩნია. მწვანე ფონზე დედამიწის ირგვლივ განთავსებულია სხვადასხვა ფერის ადამიანის ფიგურები.

ამ დღეს სხვადასხვა ქვეყანაში ბავშვებისთვის ეწყობა მასობრივი, გასართობი და კულტურული ღონისძიებები. დღესასწაულს, როგორც წესი, აღნიშნავენ ბავშვებისადმი მიძღვნილი კონცერტებით, გამოფენებითა და სხვა ღონისძიებებით; იმართება საქველმოქმედო აქციები. ამ დღეს განსაკუთრებით ცდილობენ დაეხმარონ ბავშვთა სახლებს, ავადმყოფ, შეზღუდული შესაძლებლობის მქონე ბავშვებს, მიუსაფარ, გაჭირვებულ ოჯახებს, მრავალშვილიანებს. ცდილობენ აჩუქონ მათ საჩუქრები, გაუკეთონ სიურპრიზები და ცოტათი მაინც გაუუმჯობესონ ცხოვრება.

ბავშვთა საერთაშორისო დღეს მხოლოდ გასართობი ხასიათი როდი აქვს, ეს დღე ახსენებს საზოგადოებას, რომ აუცილებელია ბავშვთა უფლებების დაცვა, რომ ყველა ბავშვი უნდა იზრდებოდეს ჯანსაღ, უსაფრთხო გარემოში, იყოს ბედნიერი, შეეძლოს სრულფასოვანი განათლების მიღება, საყვარელი საქმიანობის არჩევა და მუშაობა, რათა მომავალში თითოეულმა მათგანმა შეძლოს შესანიშნავ მშობლად და თავისი ქვეყნის საამაყო მამულიშვილად ჩამოყალიბება.

Have Fun with the Little Ones on National Children’s Day 2018

National Children’s Day is held all over the world to help children to feel special and in 2018 National Children’s Day will be held on Sunday May 13th. This is the perfect time for kids of all ages to get together and take part in a wide range of different types of activities so that they can bond and take a break from the pressures of growing up.

One of the main aims of National Children’s Day is educating people on the importance of a healthy childhood. In addition to providing the little ones with plenty of fun activities, this is also the time to help raise awareness for the need to protect the rights of children so that they can become healthy and happy adults.

Of course, it is not only children and their parents who can join in the fun of National Children’s Day 2018. Carers of all types such as teachers, babysitters and aunts can also take the opportunity to show children in their local community how important they are. This is a good time for business owners to give something back by offering free treats for children or arranging some form of entertainment that children can take part in.

National Children’s Day 2018 is also a good occasion to raise funds for various children’s charities and groups. There are plenty of different ways for the whole community to get involved by arranging a special children’s party that everyone in the area is invited to join in.

Children’s Day was established to honor and promote the welfare of the world’s children. Universally it is celebrated on November 20th, but many different countries around the world have their own day set aside for its observance. For instance, in Haiti it is celebrated on April 12th, while in Germany it is celebrated on September 20th. In the United States, it is celebrated on the second Sunday of June.


On December 14, 1954 a universal day dedicated to children was instituted by United Nation’s Resolution 836 (IX) as an observance of the understanding and brotherhood among all the children of the world. It was also used to outline a solemn oath to children that the world would do whatever it took to protect, educate and secure their overall well-being

Customs And Celebrations

National Sovereignty and Children’s Day in Turkey-This celebration takes place on April 23 in Turkey is one of the biggest celebrations of its kind in the world. Children from around the world get to take place in the festivities which include parades and street performances.


Children’s day is a day of the year to commemorate our most valuable resource, our children, and ensure that they are given the tools they need to not only survive but also to thrive in our society.

Where is Children’s Day celebrated?

This year (2018):
Mexico (Apr 30) - Romania (Jun 1) - Cabo verde (Jun 1) - Armenia (Jun 1) - Taiwan (Apr 4) Show all 11 locations
Next year (2019):
Vanuatu (Jul 24) - Taiwan (Apr 4) - South korea (May 5) - Cabo verde (Jun 1) - Mexico (Apr 30) Show all 11 locations
Last year (2017):
Taiwan (Apr 4) - China (Jun 1) - South korea (May 5) - Romania (Jun 1) - Armenia (Jun 1) Show all 11 locations